Magic Finger 3D – Defeat your enemies

[Game] Magic Finger 3D

Magic Finger 3D  Use your magic touch and surroundings to take out your foes!

Defeat your enemies by throwing other enemies! Use explosive barrels to make a big impact! Sent your adversaries off the platform into the deep!

In this action you choose how you control the environment and can freely pick up anything you see. Use your finger to become the ultimate magic user!

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Magic Finger 3D user reviews :

You could add a feature to put down the item/enemy instead of throwing them whenever you let go of the screen. It would be more entertaining if you could actually place them down and if you pick them up, you can’t put them back. If you let go of the screen, they get thrown violently away, and die straight away as well. It could be better, but overall it’s quite entertaining! Could use some work, but a good game!!

So, after every one or two levels there is an advertisement. It gets to be quite annoying! Please try to fix the advertisement issue! Thank You!

Funny gimmick of a game and is fun to pass time but when they should countless ads in my face as well as not even having a single sound effect just a little vibrate is just not acceptable. They’ve gotten lazy because they’re making their money from the ads they’re constantly putting on. Also the sound affects they used in the promo for this game used sound affects from star wars, it’s a light saber turning on and I think blaster sounds were used but in any case I don’t think they were allowed

3 ways this game is bad. 1.Ths depth preception aka the controles 2. I got 3 keys and openned the chest I COULD NOT get off it 3. Number 1 and 2 the one good fing is the uhh uhh yeah I got stuck not that far in the game on the chest. AND for insult to ingery it takes up TO MUCH SPACE atleast it was 69 M.

I hate people who spam too many ads because most ad spam games are offline so you can turn off you internet connection and you won’t. Get ads

Its good a lot of fun with a good concept but ive noticed two problems. 1) the screen flickers and flashes could be dangerous as it could trigger epilepsy. 2) there are way to many ads there is an ad every minute.

this game is actually very fun! it’s cool and pretty easy to use and understand. just wish they could add something like an easy, medium and hard because the game is sorta plain. well done!

Its good but not too good because every time its too easy even ababy and do this and there’s an advert every second

It is an awesome game I can spend 2 hours playing it and not get bored there is a lot of ads but if you turn airplane mode on then you won’t get any ads but overall the game is 5 stars.

Avoid this game unless you enjoy spending more time watching loud and annoying ads than playing the game. I paid for No Ads and they still appear, this is fslse advertising, I emailed support but got no reply.

video the only episodes of the Island are in janet and Kate tad the merchant and faylu flamingo halloween 6features in it and its great I love it so far as the second half of the Action has been a adventure of them now that i’ve never had a YouTube channel before only my own daddy

Supreme fun.. throwing anything and everything at the guys coming to get you .. even throw the guys!! I appreciate the lack of annoying muzak … the game vibrating and appropriate sounds is much preferred

it a really cool game if you go somewhere quiet and you focus on it it feels like you have your own powers(but there is a few adds so don’t get mad think of it as your resting your powerful hands)HAVE FUN

I love the game you can mess around with a lot of stuff but too many ads but you can just close the internet and no ads

I am now giving this game a three because on the gnome level the gnomes can get behind you and beside you you can’t kill them once they’re behind you because you can’t move or turn around please fix this.

This game is so cool and so good and nice but the ads are enjoying.

Pretty solid game I like it because it’s not hard and it’s easygoing and just fun (recommend)

fun and addictive. I installed this game thinking it was a regular mobile game but is much better

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