[Game] Scary Robber Home Clash
Brian is one curious boy with a passion for seeking adventures.
His Parents sent him away for summer camp and went on a cruise for two weeks. Brian’s adventurous instinct couldn’t let him rest and he decided to sneak out from the summer camp and went home. Being alone at home was only something he could have dreamed of! Little did he know that his little stunt would take a far more exhilarating twist Felix and lester are two of the most notorious robbers around.
They have been keeping a watch on brian’s house for a while. When they saw everyone leave, the robber’s decided to loot the empty house. Mesmerized by the luxuries of the empty house, they decided to stay there for a little while longer. Brian happened to come back from summer camp on the exact same day however and to his absolute shock, he finds two complete strangers living in HIS house as if it was theirs!
This angered Brian and he decided to teach the robber’s a lesson. He thought to himself “ These two messed with the wrong kid – it’s time to teach them a lesson they’ll never forget!”
Join brian in his adventures to make the robber’s lives miserable. Experience the clash of robber’s and the lone boy and help brian succeed in his mischievous and thrilling plans!
Scary Robber Home Clash user reviews :
It is a very nice game, but their was so many glitches, and if I see ads for the stars and the game is reversed,and I should restart the game again, and their are no energy drinks also,I need to see ads every time cause of the energy, but the chapters are unlocked with ads…….
Crashes when I do the hanging around. The guys walk into a room and just walk on the spot and the level never completes. I’ve uninstalled, rebooted etc but no luck.
This game is good, but there are too many glitches and in the last level of chapter 1 it was glitching through out the gameplay. Please fix all the bugs and glitches!!
I Have 2 Problems Left, And That Is, 1: The Level “Just Hanging Around” Is Not Fixed, It’s Stuck & 2: I Can’t Get A Daily Reward, I Just Pressed “Claim” But No Daily Reward, Stupid Game
This is the most bad game I have ever played…As there are two robbers in house and if anyone see us then then we will be caught.. every time I had caught from two robbers ..the levels are so difficult that it took one and a half hour..
This game is awesome and I really like how it works with my favorite characters to play with the Spoke about this game of music for teens who live just about anything you have heard from it
This game is very nice I played this game every day but please make more interesting levels please and free levels please
This game is a really good game but it is glitching a little and it is like scary teacher but we can unlock the chapters with ads not money
This is good game but i have problem in the just hanging around level in the game when i finished all the stuff when they go but they are going to the kithcen but if i finish it stop as in stop nothing video happend pls fix it
Nice game . I want to give a suggestion to all writers of comment if u play offline no ads will come . Thank you. Ashmita
Love this game but I have only one prblm there was no more energy in the house but in scary teacher game in every room and extra rooms there was was energy
I have 2 problems 1 the is not loading up for me in the second day it is working 2 I am getting caught everytime I even had to use hint but I need stars to buy them and unlimited hint cost money and my parents won’t let me spend money
I like this game so much. but when I first started playing it was kinda hard but I learned how to play it and it’s easy.
This game is awesome I love this game but one problem when the game download the take so net and so time that’s the problem awesome game I love it
I love this game when I anible to do level then I watch video on YouTube I search scary robber winter wonderland level 1 2 3 4 5
This game is so good it’s like scary teacher but there is two people that you can get caught with keep the great work
I love the game but in weight a minute afternoon the prank there was a glitch I was moving please fix that
I like this game its very interesting and one thing I really like that the chapters of this game it is not from money the chapter ‘s
Good game.. A little glitchy but okay fix it otherwise great app!!
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