[Game] Shepherd Saga 2
Shepherd Saga 2 : In the far east of Diva Terra Continent is a thriving country.
Owing to favorable national policy, settlers have worked very hard to develop the land.
As people see the fruits of their efforts on this fertile land, they begin to call it Paradise.
You are charmed by tales of this Paradise, and decide to move there.
After a long journey, you arrive at a small hut and a desolate ranch.
And your mind is already full of ideas and plans for your new home…
Plenty of Sheep! And Plenty of Items to Help You!
Auto-feeding bowl. Disease vaccine.
Teru Teru Sheep that keep it always sunny.
Brave Shepherd Dog that fights off the Wolves.
Make Good Use of Them to Raise Your Sheep Healthy and Happy!
Ranch Products!
Shearing! Milking!
Work them into Yarn!
Make Cheese! Cheese!
Exciting Events!
What to do when the crop market run out of feeds for your sheep?
What to do when the Big Bad Wolves come?
Come Help Beat Them!
Sheep Gallery
140 Different Breeds of Sheeps, and the Number is still Growing.
Gotta Breed Them All?
Global Leaderboard
Who Sold the Most Sheep?
Who has the Most Profitable Ranch?
Let’s Race to the Top of the Leaderboard!
Optimized for Intel x86 mobile device
Shepherd Saga 2 user reviews :
- Element Cell Game Limited
- 非常感謝您的支持與好評!希望您將這款遊戲推薦給您的好友一起體驗。祝您遊戲愉快!
- Element Cell Game Limited
- Thank you very much for your support and praise! I hope you will recommend this game to your friends. I wish you a happy game!
- Element Cell Game Limited
- Thank you for your positive review and support! We would be greatly appreciated if you could recommend this great game to your friends and family! Happy gaming!
- Element Cell Game Limited
- Hi. Conditions can be achieved building breeding hut. ^ When there is a male and a female sheep, and the ranch space has three, while gold is enough, point into the breeding house can start pairing. ^ Breeding chance of failure, if the probability of failure is too high, please upgrade the breeding ground
- Element Cell Game Limited
- Hello, thank you very much for your download. In order to open a new account, the game needs to use the mobile phone serial number (IMEI) for account binding. This game does not use phone numbers and contact information. Thank you for your support of the game.
- Element Cell Game Limited
- Thank you for playing our game. connection problem already no exist. Happy gaming!
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