[App] Smoke Name Art – Smoky Effect Focus n Filter Maker
Smoke Name Art app allows you to create creative and artistic style of name for signature to add your signature to other photos or as your email signature.
Design best Name Art with Smoke Effect Fonts created for you. Name Art Maker comes with 100’s of fonts and styles, 200+ Stickers to decorate your name, Create Name Pics Art with different Styles and Colors and decorate with Picture Stickers.
Create and design awesome love cards, invitation cards, smoky effect card and colorful name art with fantastic effects. With smoke name art you can decorate and stylize your text such as your name, your girlfriend name, your boyfriend name, your mother name, father name, friend name, your nick name etc… With text you can choose your love font, color, edit size text, drag, rotate your text. Smoke Effect Name Art that you can decorate it with different decorative item as photo frames, Calligraphy Fonts ,typography quotes, art item, color brush, and color filter
Write your name using SmokeName Art Effect application. Smoke Art has famous unique font style, stickers to make your name on different social media Display Picture or Profile Picture that are the latest trend to make you unique on different social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp and many more.
Name Art Focus Filter add the warmth of love into any text you write by using the craftily designed heart shapes for you & your love. Many heart shapes for different moods, feel free to express your feelings with these heart shapes.
Focus Filter Maker will make the art you create look genuine & freshly crafted for someone special you want to impress. Many colorful feather designed for better looks and feel.
Smoke NameArt Effect features:
35+ Colorful, texture, abstract and smoke backgrounds.
Add beautiful colors to text.
Apply colorful effects to backgrounds.
20+ Beautiful frames.
100+ Creative, Typography and calligraphy fonts.
100+ Typography Quotes, Stickers and Inspirational Sayings.
Zoom & rotate stickers.
Apply colors, alignment, stroke and mirror effect to text.
Beautiful focus & filters.
With Calligraphy Name Art you also add new photo from your gallery to make your name art more lively.
Save your name art as a image on your SD Card.
Share your beautiful name art with your friend on social media.
Smoke Name Art user reviews :
This is the app I would recommend to people who love colors and decoration! When I downloaded this game and tried it out I was amazed because I didn’t expect this game to be that amazing! Love the game! Keep it up!
I love this app so much. You can make many things, shapes, and sizes! The only thing is, is that the smoke covers the words. Other than that the app is perfect!
This app is AMAZING…..it may look confusing at first but it’s really easy. The smoke colors are great and the stickers and other features make it twice as good. I highly recommend this app to any artists who loves to create things cause this app is perfect.
Great ful, before I became familiar to this app I thought how should other people can make their pictures really interesting, but now I understand how did they do it, it is really gorgeous and I suggest you all to try it I share it with my friends and at first they thought I bring this pictures from the Internet but I made them alone without any help thanks develper, i enjoy to make pictures every day I love it so much
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