Super Cats – Do you want to become a super hero

[Game] Super Cats

Super CatsSuper Cats : Time to fight!

Do you want to become a super hero?

Supercats – a new recreational real-time competitive mobile game with so many cool anthropomorphic cats.

Play with your friend and start an intense and exciting match. Enjoy unexpected excitement with random maps and game modes.

Unlock dozens of powerful cats and their SUPERB skin. Shoot, defend, jump and roll, control your super cats and win the battle with your amazing teammates from all over the world!


A fast-paced real-time recreational shooting game on mobile – 3 minutes a round.
Innovative gameplay and role design.
3V3 real-time battle. Team up with your friends against players from all over the world.
Random map and unique goal.
Unlock cool skin and enjoy dazzling appearance and actions in the battlefield.
Multiple skill sets and rich team strategies.
Climb to the TOP of leaderboards.
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Super Cats user reviews :

The games really fun but maybe it needs more modes and raise the rate you get cats out of chests
  • Happy Universe StudiosOctober 29, 2018
  • Thanks for your love, we are working on that! please join our facebook and discord to communicate with players and enjoy more events. Facebook: Discord:

I reached level 15 with 702 trophies which only took around two weeks and about a couple hours everyday. Here are some of my thoughts. I play in North America, and I certain times of the day, there is ALOT of lag. The kind that glitches out the game and has your charcter walk through walls. The gold chest are simply not worth the effort. I’ve opened so many of them but have only recieved 1 new charcter from the first golden chest I earned. They are basically just harder to earn silver chests. Lastly, the most concerning issue is the amount of bots in the game. I’ve noticed times where I would be the ONLY real player out of the 6 players. This is mostly an issue with all the game modes besides Bounty which is the mode everyone has access to level 1. There are specific patterns of behaviors you can pick up over time. One of the first ones I notcied is that they randomly shoot at you while your hidden in the bushes. Another obvious one is that the bots will continually dart back and forwards when your hidden in a bush behind them. The second you reveal yourself, the most if not THE ENTIRE enemy team will turn around and face you AT THE SAME TIME and once you disappear, they just turn around and forget your existance. The bots might be the only reasy why the queue times are so short. I genuinely had fun with his game because I love competitive games, but now I just feel like I’m wasting my time trying to grind for useless chest against bots instead of people. It might be awhile before this game gets fixed. It has a long way to go for just getting out of beta.

Very nice game and the skins are so beautiful
  • Happy Universe StudiosOctober 29, 2018
  • Thanks for your love, we will make it better! please join our facebook and discord to communicate with players and enjoy more events. Facebook: Discord:

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