[Game] The Killbox – Arena Combat
The Killbox : Get ready for gameplay like you’ve never experienced and jump into our international champion competition today!!!! Don’t forget to check out our cross compatible VR mode when you play!
Annihilate the completion in real-time PVP, face off against your opponents in blast mode or check out our terrifying single player mode! The Killbox is coming at you with a brand new version and lots of new additions to keep the action going at a blazing pace! With new maps, awesome weapons and a new elite competition system; The Killbox will blow you away!
Intense, immersive real-time FPS action
Experience incredible 360 arena combat with our fully optimized VR component
Hectic 6 VS 6 real-time battles
Awesome tactical movement system with console-like shooting experience
Different real-world guns to choose from
Addictive multiplayer gameplay
Work together with friends to annihilate your enemies in Team Mode
Experience the terror of fighting off teammates once they’ve become the living dead
Leap over the heads of your adversaries in space mode.
Varied and realistic scenarios
Experience the intensity of the killbox through a series of immersive detailed maps.
Feel the chaos of war on the battlefield with intense, lifelike animation.
eSports for EVERYONE
Fair matches with no upgrading systems available for guns
Open matches for everyone, and every day!
New Additions
DRONE WARFARE: Choose from 6 awesome drones to help you win the fight!
Wolf Pack mode added to open entry and scheduled elite competitions!
Grab the new AK47 – GHOSTBANE and strike fear into the hearts of your enemies!
Get your hands on the AWP PRIMEVAL and lay the arena to waste!
Take out the BONE SAW and cut down the competition!
New Maps
Head to Head mode
Blast Mode, now with auto-fire capability!
For an optimal shooting experience players should have 2GB+RAM and 4G or wifi
Think you and your squad can survive the killbox? Download and see how you stack up!
For more information on upcoming events, releases, and activities
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Email us @ thekillbox@ugamehome.com
The Killbox user reviews :
Its a refreshing suprise to find a game with so much deep content and replay ability. I can actually sseing this game on the major consoles with enough financial backing. SN- you’d be ahead of the curve if you’d dropped the pay to win aspect and give the consumer a great game! Get more people talking about it with incentives for reviewing! Sign me up!
Awesome Game Should be #1 in FPS but needs some improvement… Unable to add/detect gamepads so how can we play it in VR? Few things need to be improve – 1. Add various gamepad so can be play in VR. 2. Rotation mode not working in other flip side because I not able to play due to headphone jack.
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