[Game] Time Raiders
Delve deep and explore the vast eastern undergrounds.
Treasures? Monsters? Who knows what awaits you…
Team up with allies to defeat bosses
Gather a trustworthy team and battle against all types of undead creatures and ghosts.
Discover historical treasures
Discover buried treasures, use your unique sight to authenticate them, and battle against the undead.
Create all types of new equipment
The best equipment determines whether you win or lose. What kind of weapon will you rely on?
Have no regrets
Say goodbye to the games where you can’t change classes! You can start off as an unstoppable martial fighter and change into a gunslinger, or even a mage!
Experience a deep, intriguing story
Mysterious undead dens, dangerous blood zombie catacombs, there are endless new places to explore.
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Time Raiders user reviews :
In my opinion this can be a 5 star game. But as a gamer who really love the story if a game ( and this game has a good story) I have few complains. If you add voices to the characters, wich is great, at least let them finish the sentences, not everyone is a fast reader. I know that most of people but let them chose Skipp. Also give us some freedom, it’s to much autoplay, a simple arrow for directions will be great, and also fighting should be controlled by the player.
I get more than 5 minutes to play before it crashes. But there are lil things that could make this exponentially better. Adjustable controls is a must. I go to move and just move the camera cause I missed the joystick lol. Hp is high enough it isn’t a huge issue yet. I don’t get to hear the whole story cause it keeps cutting out mid sentence. I don’t have enough time to read it before it is back to you in control. With all that said. I look forward to testing this one out.
Plays really smooth, great character customization, the fighting is what you’d expect from an mmo, the only problem I have is the auto play and auto battle turns themselves on far too frequently. As soon as I open, search, or collect anything the game immediately switches to auto-play; which isn’t a bad feature but I should be able to have the choice to play without it in such an interesting game.
So good yet so flawed. So many little niggling things. I have lost out on too many events when I press the wrong option and the game takes me out of the event without a warning. I cant go back and continue and I’ve often lost the attempt or the only item needed to start the event. There are so many annoying little things, that although I’ve put a lot of time, effort and some cash in, I’m getting too annoyed that I may rage quit and I don’t want to.
Game is a lot of fun. Open world vibes. Still needs to be polished a bit. Sometimes I lag but it’s for less than 1 second. Gameplay is fun, has auto mode in case you’re busy, and a lot of content. It’s a lot to take in at first but devs did a good job of helping and making it easy. I do see people complaining about crashing. I played for 3 hours non stop, didn’t crash once and I’m using my old S8+ to play lol.
Interesting looking game. Looks like an interesting story. Pretty much autoplays itself when it’s not lagging or crashing, which is far too often for me to enjoy playing for more then a few minutes. Too much going on in the UI, confusing, clunky, unimaginative, far better versions of this cookie cutter game out there. Going to uninstall.
Seems to have potential. Opportunities to team up with other players to compete in dungeons. Good story so far. Lots of items to keep track of. However, the game crashes every 4-5 minutes. Seems unplayable at this time. All graphic settings are at lowest possible, still unstable. Seems too early in it’s open beta, but worth following if you have the patience.
I just installed the game, it looks great. But when I started playing through the first area in the game, it suddenly crashed when I used a special attack against the enemies attacking the male NPC. I tried getting back on but it keeps kicking me out, when I did finally get back on it kicked be back out when I tried seeing if I could change the settings.
Game is good overall and fun. Good game to pass time with. My problem comes from 2 bugs 1st is Palace Exorcism battles not ending after killing the monster. Happens frequently and makes it hard to want to complete. 2nd is Exhibition Album not tracking pictures taken making it impossible to get the rewards for it. Last is just personal preference but the block feature should block world chat messages from the blocked person.
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