UNMS – Control of Ubiquiti devices

[App] UNMS

UNMSUNMS is a convenient client application for installing Ubiquiti Networks® airMAX®, airCube™, EdgePoint®, and EdgeRouter™ devices from your smartphone or tablet – it’s easy and quick.

UNMS Mobile adds these devices to UNMS (Ubiquiti® Network Management System) for centralized control of Ubiquiti devices across multiple sites worldwide. UNMS offers mass configuration changes, monitoring, firmware upgrades, and config backups via an intuitive graphical interface. Learn more or try out the demo at: www.unms.com

UNMS Mobile can also be used *in standalone mode without UNMS servers* for device discovery on the local network, site survey, airMAX® device installation using the U-Installer or airGateway® Pro Installer, provisioning with configuration templates, antenna alignment, configuration backup and sharing, and offline firmware upgrades.

The UNMS Mobile communicates with devices over HTTP(S), so the app requires access to the devices on these ports.

Minimum Firmware Requirements
airMAX AC devices: version 7.2.0 or higher
airMAX M devices: version 5.6.5 or higher
AirCube devices: version 1.0.0 or higher
airGateway devices: version 1.1.7 or higher
EdgeRouter devices: version 1.2.0 or higher
EdgePoint devices: version 1.2.0 or higher

UNMS user reviews :

app tells when devices are online or offline with red green. this isn’t soo good when you’re red green colour blind. can we get an option for alternate colors, or maybe cross out offline devices?

I Like the new design but when checking a AP it doesnt tell on the main page how many stations are connected to the AP. This is extremely important to me because when a client wants to know how many cellphones are connected to their wifi I took a screenshot and sent it. Please fix this.

can never find my UAP-AC-LR. Days of trying even though AP is fully functional. Trying to manually find device the bar code scanner throws an error every time unkown code type. Too frustrating to put any more time in it. Configuring Unifi AP was no walk in the park either. Whoever heard of right out of the box having to SSH into AP to prep it for install. Community users have been complaining about the same problem for more than 5 years and yet it still exists. Lame QC. Weak signal also
  • Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.June 7, 2019
  • Thank you for the report, JSL. We will try to improve this in the next versions.

Site survey tool is missing in the new version of unms. It is important even on my access points to identify noise etc. Also the modulation rates under stations in the access point is missing which is important to identify bad/weak links. Also the throughput being displayed now is wrong. It goes upto 900Mbps for a device that is not carrying close to such capacity

The app needs port forwarding options. I can’t log into my aircube using the IP for some reason however the app still works, but no port forwarding.
  • Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.June 7, 2019
  • Hello Dominic. I am sorry that you are having issues with the app. Can you please send us more detailed info to mobilefeedback[at]ubnt.com?
app was good when discovery was enabled updates are supposed to make apps better but this one lost some quality after an update
  • Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.June 7, 2019
  • Thank you for the feedback, John. Can you please let us know what issues with discovery you experienced to email mobilefeedback[at]ubnt.com? We will try to improve it based on your report.

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