[App] Mystery Shopwatch
Mystery Shopwatch LITE(tm) is a stopwatch geared towards mystery shoppers.
As a mystery shopper, you’re required to report the start and end times as well as the duration of a shop. You might also be required to report on the elapsed time between various interactions with the shop staff. This stopwatch (aka “shopwatch”) allows you to do all of this with ease and accuracy.
This stopwatch will record not only a duration but the start and end times. You can also mark various timing points and very easily display the elapsed time between any two markers. A typical usage scenario might be to start the clock when you enter the shop, add timing markers when you enter a line, complete an order and receive your order, and then stop the clock when you leave.
A display option allows you to choose muted colors for the buttons.
An option allows you to use the volume up or down buttons to add a marker when it is in timing mode. To prevent errors, both up and down buttons perform the same function and are used only to add a marker.
The paid full version of this app allows you to save your timing data along with a note.
Mystery Shopwatch user reviews :
exactly what i needed for my shop! tried several normal stopwatch apps and they wouldn’t record times. this is perfect for what i needed, thank you!!
great app for timing multiple events and also keep a running total of elapsed time
Great for quick shops that don’t involve taking notes, etc. I love this app & it’s free!!
I tried this app out on a shop after testing its functions. Well app decides it not going to take input using the volume key during the shop! Good thing I had an audio recording as backup for my timing. Also, this app has to be showing on the screen for it to work. Not a great thing for a mystery shopper. When you lock your screen or push the home button, it no longer functions until you pull the app back up on the screen. How about seperating the buttons on the screen? I’ve more than on time hit the wrong
- The usage of the volume buttons is enabled as option, so I don’t know if you set the option up or not. Yes, it is true that the volume buttons will not work with the app not showing, but the app does not stop working in the sense that if you bring back it back to the screen your timing data is all there and timing continues.
I would give it a 5 if it had an option to have a fake screen to be visible so the store doesn’t know I am using a timer. Have a screen that just has a number to show that I set another marker but not the times that I can flip to from the timings screen. On done games it was called the biss screen. If I am using this as a mystery shopping tool then I don’t want the name ‘mystery shopping’ at the top or the timings showing in case an employee sees the screen. When I hit the sound up or down I should get a vibration to have a physical cue that I did record that marker.
I had the same issue as another user with a volume control not starting and stopping with the phone was turned off. luckily I could extrapolate my times. In reading what the developers said in response to the other user’s issue, I would like to suggest minimizing the size of the stopwatch window or possibly having an option to make the screen go blank so thatbwe can still covertly set time markers. I would definately pay for that app, fyi.
I installed this app today and the volume start stop was working, but just stopped and no longer works with the screen off. I tried restarting the phone, but it doesn’t work. I have also tried to reinstall the app but it still does not allow the time to be stopped and started with the screen turned off while the app is running. The volume controls do start the times while the screen is on though.
- The app does have to be running for the volume buttons to have effect. I do not process the volume buttons in the background, partly because I feel that it might interfere with other apps that might be running that require volume control, such as recording things. I’m surprised that the buttons don’t work after restarting.
I had a shop that required me to record multiple split time. This app was very helpful, not only that it records the actual time it also tells you the split times.
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