[App] Ascii Art Generator – Cool Symbol -Emoji – Letters
Ascii Art Generator :
1. Convert image to ascii: really simple generator of picture into ascii text.
2. Big ascii generator: Make a big letters for all social networks.
3. Ascii Art: Collections of images ascii and ascii sms collection.
4. Emoticons: Over 10000+ emoticons.
5. Ascii emoji: Full emoji.
6. Ascii cool symbols: Very more special symbol.
7. FIGlet generator.
Now, you can copy, paste and share everything with your friend.
Ascii Art Generator user reviews :
For some reason on my huawei mate 20 lite it doesn’t work only the letters work for games not the symbols pls fix and maybe I will come to this app and leave 5 stars, thank you.
It’s a really great app but it needs to be cleaned up. There’s various ASCII from various group chats and other ASCII art that you definitely don’t want your boss or random strangers to see. Please clean up the ASCII in this app!
Thanks for this app! My phone is the only thing I access the internet with and I still enjoy using ASCII art in some comments. I’m glad someone took the time to put this all together and available for DL in an app. Great job, 5star! *sigh* Imagine how triggered the NPC must feel whenever it views a history segment about WWII… It’s a shame that such a small group of ignorant children has been able to influence major corporations and mass media. Perhaps in the future, we can teach our kin to study other cultures so they can recognize and understand that ancient cultures used symbols too. I hope so, otherwise, developers will possibly find themselves being banned or de-platformed for something that has major significance to other cultures but some moron thinks the world began in the last century.
great app but i wish they would be a category for text art. my finger hurts just to scroll down to find it one by one.
Great work dev!… and the reason why I didn’t give 5 stars is because the “Online text art doesn’t” seem to work anymore. Even on a high speed data or wifi, the page keeps on loading endlessly. Fix this please and I will give u 5
it works really well but know it won’t let me tap any text art and if I try taping the clip to clipboard it works but when I go to see if it is there, nothing is there.
Nice, lots of ascii art, apparently submitted (somewhere, not sure that it all came from users of this app, but it’s the result that counts here). Handy copy past, bookmarks, etc. * I would like to search (the list is rather long and contains doubles/try-outs/spam), but thats probably not possible.
Its cool..you can create things like thick borders or fancy words and then send them to clipboard for say Web Language programming project. Works in Comments and Output alike. A very handy tool for programmers especially beginners.
Amusing app. I always like to send messages with cute faces, and this app is very useful! As a side note, the war is not lost!
great only one issue so far online art menu never loads
its a very good app,you can find various types of designed letters ,symbols,emojis etc.I loved this app.
Good deal. For those who complain about swastika, you should know that that symbol, in various forms is found in many religions, including Native American and far Eastern religions. It’s very old. Hitler co-opted it. Need to show tolerance.
I love this app it’s so cool but I don’t understand why a hate symbol like a swastika is allowed in such a beautiful app smh I wanna give it 5 stars but I just can’t as a grandchild of holocaust survivors who heard about all the terrible stuff that happened as a child I just can’t sorry I’m sure it’s a mistake plz remove it from the app and you will get a 5 star rating
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