Grimlight – The world of Phantasia is filled with mystery

[Game] Grimlight

GrimlightAwaken to a new beginning in a world of dreams and fairy tales. [Grimlight]

The world of Phantasia is filled with mystery and wonder but has been eroded away by the Dreamless, shadowy entities that seek to corrupt all living things and consume the world into the endless void.

Even the Dominion lords who once defended the realms were corrupted and soon lost their reason and sanity. They are now mere shells of their former selves engulfed in madness and destruction.

Only you, the Dreamer, can banish the darkness by calling upon heroes of legend through fragments of their past memories to save the world from endless ruin…

A Story of Dreams and Fairy Tales
Call upon heroes from classic fairy tales and explore their stories.
With the power of the Dreamstone, summon your allies and save the world of Phantasia from the mysterious and deadly Dreamless.

Anime-Style Illustrations
Unlock characters with gorgeous art from top anime-style illustrators.
Listen to their voices and unlock their stories!

Collect and Customize
Acquire various weapons and items to customize and strengthen your heroes!

Simple and Easy Controls
Deploy your heroes on the battlefield by dragging and dropping with your finger and you are good to go!

Official Links
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상호 : 에이트스튜디오 EIGHT
대표자명 : 노진
주소 : 대구시 서구 국채보상로 167, 6층 에이트스튜디오
사업자번호 : 768-81-02011
통신판매업신고번호 : 제2020-대구서구-0542호
통신판매업신고기관 : 대구광역시 서구청
개발자 연락처 :, 053-562-5374
백일몽화 전담 고객센터 :

Grimlight user reviews :

A really great game, I love the story, the characters, the music, but it also feels somewhat “unfinished”. I wish there would be less loading screens, some sort of chat system to interact with other players and an option to reset heroes to get (at least part of) the invested mats back.

LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! It’s WONDERFUL! I’d say one downside is they don’t gain experience for fighting which makes progress slow, even if the dungeon can be farmed for it it only helps if you have the keys for it (which again makes progress slow). Overall, it’s a good game.

The game itself is absolutely gorgeous. The character designs, the artstyle, and the overall UI are beautiful. I only got the game yesterday, but I’m really enjoying it so far. The only issue I have is that during story levels, it’s difficult to differentiate between narration, the player’s internal thoughts, and the player’s dialogue because the characters will respond to text that seems like it would be narration. Unless the player is saying everything out loud, it’s confusing.

A really fun game. I play for hours. I find to level up is really hard because you don’t get enough experience points. It’s nice to see you get many characters,you cannot use them all because you are limited to how many points you can use per are stuck leveling up the same characters so you can pass the next stage.the other characters are always on the side lines. What’s the point in summoning other characters you can’t even use.if you level them up you can’t finish the next stage.

I absolutely love the clean art style and the main screen with its neat appearance. But I have few issues. First, not being able to filter heroes based on combat power. Second, when you click to get material, once you are done collecting and you go back, it doesn’t take you back to character, but rather you have to take a long time to go back to main. The guild function could be enhanced further with more interactive approach and quests.

I would’ve given it 4* because the art style is beautiful, the characters are gorgeous, the story is quite refreshing and the combat is fun…at least as far as I could get. For the last two days, I keep getting “Network error: Failed to reach server message” when there’s nothing wrong with my connection and even after restarting my phone, clearing cache and trying both wifi and data. EDIT:The error seems to be fixed, so I updated my rating to 4* as it should be.

I’ve been playing for a week now and I can say it’s very f2p friendly. I enjoyed every aspect of the game and even if you’re a newbie, you have high chances of getting good characters. I guess the only thing that needs some improvement is the resources for leveling up the characters are scarce, and the ways to earn stamina (keys) are very limited as well. Overall, graphics, animation, music, voice acting are really good!

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