InstaWifi – Easy to share wifi networks

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[App] InstaWifi

InstaWifiHave you ever been in a situation where your friends/family comes over and ask for your WiFi name and password? Do you have a long password that you keep on a piece of paper for people to type? There is no need for that anymore.

InstaWifi makes it easy for you to connect and share wifi networks with your friends and family instantly through the use of NFC and QR codes. Simply tap your phone on a sticker, or scan a QR code to connect to a wifi network.

InstaWifi is only needed to generate the QR code for your wifi network. Once you have the QR code, any Android smartphone with the Barcode Scanner app by zxing ( installed can scan to automatically connect.

For the NFC features, InstaWifi needs to be installed on the device to read the NFC sticker correctly.

Interested in playing around with NFC but don’t know where or what type of NFC stickers to buy? Donate a couple bucks to the developer and I will send you special Android-themed NFC stickers as a token of appreciation.

For more details, see the help section in the menu of the app.

PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING before installing:
If you rooted your phone, InstaWifi will ask for root on startup so that it’ll automatically grab your WiFi password and security type so that you don’t have to manually type it in. Root access is not required.

DO NOT share the QR code to people you do not trust. The QR code has your wifi network password embedded in the image, and should only be used to share with family or friends.

Storage – External SD card access is used to save QR images onto the SD card so that GMail and other applications can retrieve the image and attach it to their app.

Network Communication – NFC permission is used to read/write from a NFC tag, as well as for Android Beam. Also to view WiFi networks to populate the list of WiFi networks you’ve connected to.

System Tools – To enable and disable WiFi.

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InstaWifi user reviews :

The app is very convenient to use. The QR code (and maybe the tag) can be read using other tools revealing the Wifi password. A solution for that would be that there is option to enter a 4 digit code that decrypts the info printed in the QR code (/stored in the tag). That would make it impossible to use the tag / QR code completely without the approval of the WIFI owner.

Used to be a great app. But now, it keeps asking me to enable Wi-Fi on my phone when the Wi-Fi is enabled. @Jessie, any thoughts on updating the app for latest versions of Android and fixing the enable WiFi issue?

Kinda useless because you have to have the App on your phone to use, so basically instead of just giving someone your name/password your have to ask them to download this app that they’ll probably never use again, just to connect to your WiFi!!??

Cannot fit android 10 on Samsung Note 10,shows need enable wifi ,but it is on already.hope to update and fix the problem!

It would be cool if you could add information such as the proxy server, port, phase 2 authentication etc

i really don’t know… how to use.that…app .. will u make a video for this… thank you

If you can save networks, password or QR codes, I could not find out how to do it, which means you need to re-enter the password every time. Much quicker to just tell your friend the password rather than fiddling around with your phone for five minutes. Have not tried the NFC function.

Unlike other NFC WiFi tag writers, this one goes to the instawifi page on the play store if it’s not already installed, making the process as painless as possible. I’d like to see the WAP security type automatically discovered though.

As a bonus, shows existing passwords for root users, saves me crawling around in the file manager to find password records

This is making life a lot easier for everybody who needs wifi access at my place. However I notice that the QR and NFC codes are set for WiFi to NOT connect automatically. This confuses return customers.

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Download InstaWifi from Play Store

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