[App] Linux Command Library
The app currently has 3200 manual pages, 1351 one-line scripts and a bunch of general terminal tips.
Learn how to work with the CLI(Command Line Interface).
System Information
System Control
Package Manager
Terminal Games
Hacking Tools
Cursor navigation
Tab completion
Special characters in commands
Clear and reset the terminal
List of recent commands
Close a frozen window/application
File permissions
This app was developed as a part of the Home Remote Control(available on Google Play).
If there is any command you miss, let me know and the next update will have it.
Example of console commands:
shutdown, reboot, lock/unlock screen, print external/internal ip, print cpu/battery usage, take screenshot/webcam photo, play text to speech, play sound file.
Linux Command Library user reviews :
I’m a new user of this app. The UI is very intuitive. I like the command hierarchy of the “Basic” mode. I would like to see a little more content on navigation, maybe having its own subsection. The subsection “One-liners” seems large enough to break into multiple related subsections. All things considered, it’s a good app. The sharing feature is very useful for those lengthy commands needed when interfacing to external apps and websites.
This is EXACTLY the app I need as being a new user to Ubuntu/Mint ive already overwhelmed my bookmark folders and made quite a mess of all the useful commands ive inventoried over the months….I even began a simple text file (another mess of an attempt) to just store the terminal commands I use most often….this app eliminates endless Google searches, bookmark recollecting, forum digging, messy word docs and is a total lifesaver to anyone new to Linux! Thank you to the developer for this!!
I’m a new user of this app. The UI is very intuitive. I like the command hierarchy of the “Basic” mode. I would like to see a little more content on navigation, maybe having its own subsection. The subsection “One-liners” seems large enough to break into multiple related subsections. All things considered, it’s a good app. The sharing feature is very useful for those lengthy commands needed when interfacing to external apps and websites.
Recently downloaded this app and I’m very pleased to have found it. Only wish a similar or the same app were available in Ubuntu repositories. As it is now I have to access this app on my phone in order to look up terminal commands to type into my Linux laptop. Maybe someday there will be a snap app in Ubuntu so as to access this list of commands library where I need it most.
Great app for learning. Practical use and inputting data. Would give it 5 stars ,but still learning an do not get the full benefits of the app. Yes going to get pro. Thank u ou
App is giving “Unfortunately Linux Command Library has stopped” Errors. This happens when opening basic tab and then select any category. Sometimes categories open but if we scroll down to the bottom then it again shows the same error. I’m using kitkat 4.4.2
Would be good to have alphabetical scroll bar for commands like contacts. But great app with simple and functional design.
I use this app daily to learn new Linux commands. I’m new to the Raspberry Pi world and Linux in general, so this app helps tremendously.
I have been using Linux since 1996, but I still cannot remember ALL the terminal commands and options for them. This is an excellent resource! I am impressed with the way the data is set up, as well. It is easy to use for a professional like myself or someone who is building their first Linux distribution. They have done a great job!
This app has been a lifesaver in my various linux classes. It’s like having the “man pages” available all the time without a terminal.
Convenient to have on-hand, simple to use, and very comprehensive.
Good for beginners who are willing to learn about Linux and intermidiates can refresh their skills.
very nice app. it would be great if you could add some Commands to your ‘Favorites’ Tab so you can quickly check the ones you use the most
3 stars for the sharing and effort. More heart less copy paste. Keep up the work, good idea with room of improvements, more search tools for example.
Just Loved this application. Spend 30 minutes daily. And now very comfortable to work in Linux environment .
This is a good attempt, and the author’s heart is clearly in the right place, but this is one of those things that really does need collaboration. The tips section needs work, and the program references are inconsistent in whether or not they have any text formatting. Many references link to tl;dr rather than having any content, which defeats the purpose of an offline reference. All in all, it’s a good example of too large of a scope too soon.
Great app but the descriptions are not always clear..
Useful information for anyone learning Linux and a handy reference for more experienced hacks. Absolutely *not* ‘just a reworked Man DB’. Not perfect (yet?), could use a bit more explanation sometimes, but a fantastic effort regardless.Totally likeable for the author’s colorful sense of humor and obvious humanity, true to the spirit of Open Source + no adverts. Respect. Thank you mate and please keep writing!!
Almost 5 stars for a reson.Works as you would expect something open source too. Works offline runs smooth free. I havent seen any upselling or ads as of yet. 5 stars from ‘0l Jeff
There’s so many it’s tough to say, ‘this is the best of the group’ but of the dozens of similar apps I’ve no problem saying it’s the best. Love if the devs did an equally impressive one on python, perl, sed/awk, & maybe a networking version. I could list endless topics I’d like to see. ‘Getting Started w/Bash’, is the only other similar app that is at this level. Been using *nix(mostly deb, deb based, or Arch) for over a decade but if cli tools aren’t used daily, I need a refresher
Super app! But since the last two updates something isn’t readable. E.g when I open the help to the ‘ls’ command (and also some others) all options start with ‘” “10’ instead of the letter of the option. Very strange and not recognizable. When this bug is fixed I will give 5 stars.
A great app, with awesome content and I am amazed that they are so accurate with practical examples
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