[App] Material Terminal
Material Terminal : Access your Android’s built-in Linux command line shell. Unleash your inner geek!
This is a remake of the popular “Terminal Emulator for Android” application by Jack Palevich.
Same great program, just with a material design :D
Top Features
Full Linux terminal emulation.
Multiple windows.
UTF-8 text. (Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Thai, etc.)
Customizable interface-palette.
No ads, no payed functions, just a donate option :)
Quick FAQ:
This app isn’t a game emulator.
This app won’t help you root your phone or change your phone’s IMEI.
You need to know (or be willing to learn) how to use the Linux command line to use this app.
You may want to install a set of command line utilities like “Busy Box”, “Debian chroot” or “GNU CoreUtils” in order to add commands beyond the commands that come built into your Android device.
If you get a -505 error when trying to install this app under Android 5.0, it means that some other app is using the same permissions. You will have to uninstall the other app in order to install Terminal Emulator for Android. (People tell that “jrummy’s Toolbox Pro” causes this problem.)
Original Terminal Emulator for Android was made by Jack Palevich, if you interesting in it, you can get it here:
Check out the documentation wiki for original app:
Material Terminal user reviews :
you’ve done the imposible, you made the ugliest computer interface ever to exist look good. I’ve never donated to an app dev before, but you made me change that today, nice job and keep up the good work.
This app is amazing. I will note that it does not work on Chromebooks, so you must install it on a tablet. My only issue is that on my tablet, the clear command does not exist.
Everything I asked for and easy to use. Much easier for you rooted android user who need a terminal to run your magisk modules.
They say you can’t polish a turd, but this guy sure did a great job of making a terminal look great. Keep up the good work.
Loved the look, but the special keys dont work. Also, after a reboot, I couldnt open any terminal windows.
Please add the custom font option, after i changed the font on my device and the app doesn’t use monospace font anymore.
I cannot run any commands because on the keyboard there is no enter key, instead it is a search key which does nothing.
love this , works great for the basics and come with a command list
Does what it’s designed to do with a nice and clean UI.
To learn the education cpu control system function!!!
Best terminal emulator out there for sure!
Amazing design! And ofc it works as terminal
It seems cannot read null string while I wrote an simple if statement.
The best terminal emulator app
Nice interface of terminal..
Has vt100 but unable to set serial speed.
This App works as smoothly as if I was on any of my Linux boxes. I put the path to /system/xbin first into the PATH environment using the preferences settings in this App for execution at startup and have no problems executing any of the commands I want to. Love the favorite commands and history features of this App. It’s the only terminal App that I use anymore on all of my Droid devices. Update: I prefer to run a down level version. Now all this previously excellent tool crashes on start up.
I kinda love designed apps. Yes, Terminal apps are supposedly ugly. But this awesome app made a nice interface even for Terminal. Now I use the Terminal, more than ever, because its much more neat & clean. Keep up the good work, dev!
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