WebMD Baby – Have the right resources to raise your newborn

WebMD Baby Over 1.7 million parents have downloaded the WebMD Baby app to track their baby’s development and get trusted, physician-approved advice. In this single, free app, you’ll have the right resources to raise your newborn. Five comprehensive tools to keep track of important needs and …

Pinterest –  Explore new ideas

Pinterest Pinterest is a place of endless possibilities. You can: Explore new ideas Find new trends Try new things On Pinterest, find inspiration for whatever you’re into. Explore billions of ideas to turn your dreams into reality: Finding recipes that make you the star at every …

RealPlayer – Cast any video from your phone

RealPlayer Brand New RealPlayer Mobile! It’s a big release! WHAT’S NEW? Reduce eye strain and enjoy better videos with Dark Mode Speed up or slow down the video you’re watching Use Keychain for easy login Access folders as you would on your PC Select multiple files …

GasBuddy – Find the best prices

GasBuddy – Find & Pay for Gas Join the 90 million people already saving on fuel! Get the free GasBuddy card and never pay full price at the pump again. See how GasBuddy gives you more ways and more places to save on gas than any …

Khan Academy – Sharpen your skills

Khan Academy You can learn anything. For free. Spend an afternoon brushing up on statistics. Discover how the Krebs cycle works. Get a head start on next semester’s geometry. Prepare for upcoming exams. Or, if you’re feeling particularly adventurous, learn how fire-stick farming changes the landscape …

Hiya – Block spam calls for good

Current Caller ID changed to Hiya Call blocker, fraud detection & phone number lookup – meet Hiya, your reliable protection from fraud numbers and spoof calls, with integrated caller ID. Block spam calls for good! Get FREE spam call alerts and block spam phone calls automatically. …

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