Tilt Arena – Get your fingers out of the way

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[Game] Tilt Arena

Tilt ArenaTilt Arena is a retro arena shooter with sleek vector graphics and a zero button control scheme designed to get your fingers out of the way: just tilt!

Game mode: Survival
All about having a ton of weapons, using them to blow stuff up spectacularly, and changing them often. Grabbing weapon pickups increases the score multiplier so don’t get too attached to one.

Tilt Arena user reviews :

But that’s not a bad thing. There is a slight learning curve with learning weapon powerups and getting used to the tilt (which is better than the touch controls IMO), but once you get your feet on the ground it hooks you. Also the points to unlock powerups is also a great add to replay value. This one is a keeper.

This is a quite robust and challenging version of a game i’ve been playing for years. Weapon powerups greatly compensate for not being able to shoot behind you, like you can with twin-sticks. It just needs a good chiptune song, sound effects and some fine-tuning with the tilt mechanism.

This game is one of the most fun games I have. The controls, while a little tricky at first, give an entirely new gaming experience that requires different strategies than, say, Asteroids. The only problem I can see is the weapon power ups. You should have each type of weapon get stronger/faster the higher the multiplier gets. That would make unlocking rockets, which requires an outrageous high score of 1,000,000, a bit more practical. Otherwise, great game.

Good game but two issues detract from the play: First is being unable to explicitly set “play angle” to top-down (or others). The second problem is that the tilt amount does not affect acceleration, so the ship is less responsive than it could be.

Very addictive game, nice control and variety of weapons and enemies.. But one thing that’s annoying is the fact that there’s no resume functionality. One message(or any other type of interrupt) and the game is lost.

I tried to make this game work, I really did, but the contro, method failed completely. You would think that tilting your device would actually move your craft in that direction, but that is not the case. Even in touch control mode the game was utterly unplayable. I sense this game would have been good had I been able to play it, but alas, no.

This game would be phenomenal if the weapon powerups were revised. Often you will pick up a weapon only for it to be much worse than the one you just lost. They seem to upgrade randomly, to the point where the player is much better off to get a good weapon and then ignore all other powerups. This isn’t how these sorts of games are meant to be played!

Geo wars fan here, very pleased with this game. The tilt control works wonderfully, just gotta make sure the device is fairly level when starting to calibrate correctly…galaxy s2

The tilt was a little weird, but the touch control is very very nice. It would be nice if touch and tilt had separate score boards our if you could just tell them apart somehow.

I absolutely love this game. Even though it hasn’t been updated in four years, it’s still great. Marshmallow users: You may have to disable Fancy Explosions for the game to work properly.

From the soundtrack to the gameplay this game is awesome. So addictive yet so simple… Controls are easy and the recalibrate works so well

Great but may wanna consider spacing out gun mount for forward shooting instead of it coming from the nose maybe the side wing things…

This game isso much fun and is so easy to get the hang of, can’t put it down-149,850

Cool game but needs better calibration and movement. Fix the game and ill promise you guys ill let people know about your game.

gameplay is very good and addicting, however the controls r horrible. making it impossible to control properly and get high scores

Great retro graphics, nice easy to use control scheme and cool space invaders feel, i reccomend this game to any retro fan.

Great game. Love it. But it keeps on crashing and freezing the phone. I think this may be because with no touch input the screen locks and this could be causing the problem. If this issue gets resolved 5 stars. Galaxy S2

It’s actually a pretty decent game. Nice variety of power-ups, although some folks may not know that the yellow boxes aren’t enemies.

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