[Game] Wordfeud
Play against 30 million opponents!
Wordfeud is a multiplayer puzzle game where you can challenge friends and random opponents and play in up to 30 separate games simultaneously!
Create and place words on the 15 by 15 tile board and earn points for creativity and placing letters on the high scoring Double Letter, Double Word, Triple Letter and Triple Word tiles.
Search for friends to play against or allow Wordfeud to match you up with an opponent. Even chat with them – smack talk or praise – it’s your choice!
Tired of the same standard board each game? Choose the option to randomize the board and change up where the DL, TL, DW, TW tiles are placed – giving the classic game a new twist!
Choose to play with friends or be matched up against random opponents
Play in 30 simultaneous games!
Random board option to mix up the DL, DW, TL, TW tiles
Push notifications informing you of opponent’s latest move
Uses English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Finnish dictionaries
Chat with your opponents
For more information on Wordfeud, visit us at Wordfeud.com and follow on Twitter @wordfeud. Also check out the Facebook fan page at www.facebook.com/WordfeudGame
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Wordfeud user reviews :
The app is very user friendly, nothing to complain about. The only thing I don’t like is when ads enter very suddenly after a move, at high volume, and it breaks the silence of the room I am playing in. Since there is no option to set the volume at a lower level (this would be a good feature to add), this may be very disturbing…
It’s a good app. Adding a dictionary and showing the best word would be usefull. Also it would be more fun to be a multiplayer app
Cannot change dictionary, language, cannot stop a game with wrong settings without resigning resulting in a loss, dictionaries contain ridiculous words, no customization whatsoever, it’s just bad game design
- Bertheussen IT
- Thanks for the kind words!
Too many sticky and loud ads. Very intrusive. Cannot stop the play , if you ever try it opens every other unsolicited pages. Has this company been bought out by the Chinese. Or just a gimmick to push purchase so you steal data. If this does not controlled or stopped in total. Then more profane language will be used and posted in multiple languages in every review pages of linked social pages. And more.
I absolutely love this game. I would happily give it 5 stars and pay for the ad free version if it had the ability to check and see if it was a word before you submit it. My mom and I play every day now, and it would make game play souch faster if I could check the legality of words during her turn, and she during mine. Or if I simply didn’t have to risk submitting a word I don’t necessarily want, just to see if it’s a word. Please add this feature, and you’ll get at least two more paid custs
Great game. But there should be an option to end game when there is no playable word anymore. Imagine I played a game 302 to 232 and was down to my last tile obviously my opponent was also down to his last tiles we both passed turns twice and then I decided to resign. In doing so the game recorded it as a lost game for me. Which is very unfair
Ads progressively get longer after the first few days. Many of the ads are videos, so you’ll notice that this app and similar ones use way more data than they should, considering something like scrabble only needs a few back and forth json transmissions. It’s less childish looking compared to the other apps, so that’s good. I’ll continue looking for a competitor that isn’t supremely annoying with ads.
I love the game. I just wish it had a few of the features that WWF has, such as word strength and tile bag. I do like the random boards. They can be quite challenging.
Wordfeud works well, and it’s fun with players at a wide range of skill levels. It can keep records of everyone’s outcomes over the years. I like the tournaments arranged by Director Eskil. It’s almost the same as scrabble.
The player that I play against is very competitive like me and she is a real great player. I like how we go back and forth within the points, like for example, she might be 5 points ahead of me and I will catch up with her or vise versa. Sometimes she comes up with words I have never heard of, which makes it interesting. At least it’s not a land slide when one of us wins. She is always willing to do a rematch with me.
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