[App] Vpn One Click
Vpn One Click protects your privacy online, unlocks all blocked services like Twitter,Facebook,Skype,etc., by connecting to a Virtual Private Network Server.
Vpn One Click : Your public ip address will be different from the real one and the connection will appear as coming from a different country to full protect your privacy. Furthermore, your internet connection will be fully encrypted.
The servers are available in many different countries to allow to change your public ip address and also to watch your national Tv from abroad.
The available countries are: USA,Canada, Australia, United Kingdom,Germany, France, Netherlands, Switzerland,Italy,Singapore, India, Egypt, Russia, Sweden, Spain, Turkey and Hong Kong.
Use the service with NO traffic limit.
Real free of charge Vpn service!
There are specific versions for:
– Windows,
– Mac,
– Ios (iPhone/iPad/iPod).
Please visit www.vpnoneclick.com or hzzp:// if blocked from your country.
Vpn One Click user reviews :
Very nice app… Works exactly as mentioned on my Nexus 4… Good job Devs..
Works well since latest update. That’s all I have to say.
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