[App] Year in Pixels
Year in Pixels : How was your day today?
Year in Pixels it’s a different bullet journal that allows you to track in a simple, quick and easy manner your moods during the year. Every pixel represents a day! You can add notes about your day and select the emotions you felt.
It also has customizable notifications so you don’t forget any pixel.
Nonintrusive ads, watch them if you want!
Moods, emotions and notes
Customizable, change the colors and add your own emotions!
Security password
Export to image or .docx file
Minimalist design and lightweight
Original idea from @PassionCarnets, go check her Instagram account! www.instagram.com/passioncarnets/
Year in Pixels user reviews :
Great little app, really helping me log mood and a quick journal style note. Love the ability to add custom emotions and set your colours. Love the graphic and looking forward to seeing my next year in pixels. One bug I’ve found is that I have a reminder set but the reminder comes up at random times not at the time set sometimes, like if my phone has been off (not through the reminder time) it pings up when it turns back on. It also comes up even if I have logged for that day.
As someone that goes of and on medicines and have mental health fluctuation, this is gold! I can see how different medications works in the long run for real and may recognize “ah poop! I’ve been down for over a week now! I might need to give myself some care and attention!” The graphics are so simple, clean and easy to use! All in all an awesome concept! Would be nice with a function where you could have medication or other daily recurrences and show a little sticker on the pixel so that you can see when and how often you workout/what medicine/selfcare/mediation/psychologist-meeting! You are a star!
It has a very simple, intuitive interface. Takes less than 20 seconds to choose a mood and emotions for the day, but it also has the option of writing something about your mood that day. In that sense, the app also functions as a journal (I use that function to write a summary of what I did that day) and I find it nice being able to look back at what I did every day.
Keeping a dairy of my day and writing about it feels childish, but the way this app does it is remarkable. It’s more like you’re reflecting on your mood and getting to know yourself. Also lighting up a square is satisfying and makes you feel accomplished, despite how simple it is. We spend so much time worrying about the future, sometimes it’s good to reminisce on the past.
- Teo VogelDecember 10, 2018
- Thanks for your feedback. That feature is currently implemented. In the settings, the hours with the “+” for the reminder are hours of the next day, from 00:00 AM (midnight) to 11:00 AM
I really like this app, it is simple and clean and has all the features you would need or expect. You aren’t forced to write something down, but the ability to do so does help keep track of what happened each day and what lead to that day’s emotions
It’s good to get your feelings out and review how a year really was rather than with risk tinted glasses. The use of purple and blue instead of the usual red and orange makes it all less negative and more calming. Great app I just hope I can keep it up for a whole year.
Love this app so much! It runs smoothly, never crashes. no annoying adds popping up. I really love the note feature, as i suffer with poor health and being able to use the app to make note of my sleep, mood, health, medicines etc each day has been so useful for me to look back and find a pattern in what causes my bad days and symptoms
Wonderful, simple and very usable. Usually a daily notification from other apps warrants annoyance, but with this app it creates a reflection that you can express really easily. Absolutely love this app, let’s me see my previous day’s where I was happy or sad or anything in between.
Best app. You can express yourself and just spill at the end of each day. Then after a while you can look back at the days you had good or bad days. The app shows you what your year looks like feeling wise.
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