
[App] Yelp

YelpYelp : Find and read reviews about great local businesses near you.

Yelp : Looking for a burrito joint open now? An Irish pub nearby? A gas station you can drive to before your tank hits empty? Yelp for Android is here to help. Use us to search for places to eat, shop, drink, relax and play then read reviews from an active community of locals in the know.

Search for businesses near you
Tap quick links to find nearby bars, restaurants, cafes and more
Narrow your searches by ‘hood, distance, price, and what’s open now
Browse reviews to read what’s great (and not so great) in your city
Find great Deals offered by your favorite local businesses
Add Quick Tips, photos, and draft reviews for your favorite businesses
Check-in and share on Facebook and Twitter
Make reservations on OpenTable without leaving the Yelp app
Look up addresses and phone numbers for thousands of businesses, then call or map them from your phone
Yelp does augmented reality with Monocle. Overlay business information onto the world around you.

Yelp user reviews :

Useful app when it comes to reviewing places BEFORE you go there. But the app doesn’t allow you to write a review. I’d like to be able to write a review while on location.

Perfect app to explore restaraunts when teavelling or find something at home that you haven’t tried. My wife and I rely on yelp when we travel and it takes the hassle out of finding a place for breakfast or lunch.

Last Update 07.05.2014 :

 We’re happy to announce that one of our most requested features has made it to mobile: messaging! Open your About Me page to access your inbox and send messages to others. Hope you like it!
 Today’s release joke brought to you by the late great Mitch Hedberg: “I order the club sandwich all the time. And I’m not even a member, man. I don’t know how I get away with it.”
 Also, we’ve started a Beta Testers community – search for it on Google+ to join!


Last Update 11.10.2013 :

 The stars have aligned for this release! Seriously, we know there’s been a lot of antici……pation for this one: starting today, you can add reviews from your phone! Tap the “add review” button from any business page and away you go.
 Photos taken at any business are now shown directly underneath its accompanying review. Give your photos some more exposure!
 Quickly access photos on any business page by pulling down from the top of the screen! It’s like magic, only better.

With our new Nearby page it’s even easier to discover great local businesses. We’re also showing the most popular events, so now you have no excuse for staying home with the cats this Saturday night.

 Order delicious meals without leaving the Yelp app! Check for the “Order Pickup or Delivery” button on your favorite local restaurants.
 Now you can sign up faster using your Google account, so if you see a new permission to find other accounts on device, that’s why!

Download Yelp :


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