0xUniverse – Discover Legendary worlds

[Game] 0xUniverse – Conquer the blockc

0xUniverse0xUniverse is a blockchain space strategy where you build spacecraft, launch exploratory efforts, find new worlds and trade with other discoverers.

Extract resources, carry out ship research and discover Legendary worlds in the remotest corners of the universe to unravel its mysteries!

Gameplay features:

You get to invent spaceships and search out new planets in a vast galaxy. The planets are blockchain tokens of different rarity with market-defined value set by players.
Interact with other players in the market. Get a chance to earn ETH by engaging in purchasing and selling various worlds at the in-game Auction.
Watch your planets get populated. Owning any CryptoKitties, Blockchain Cuties or Axie Infinity assets turns your planets into inhabitable homes for these lively creatures in the immensity of 0xUniverse.
Socialize and join Corporations! Together you can dominate other sectors and become the best galaxy business: own parts of corporations, vote for new corporate leaders, decide upon important issues and trade your shares with other space entrepreneurs.

…and get ready for the Wars yet to come!

PLEASE NOTE: 0xUniverse is free to download. However, you need to invest into purchasing at least 1 planet (NFT blockchain asset) to start playing. A single planet can be bought at a low price at the Auction from other players or you can choose to get one of the planet bundle packages in the Hypermarket.

The game supports the Metamask wallet if you play on desktop and Arkane wallet if you play on your mobile device. Please keep in mind that if you don’t have a crypto wallet you can use Arkane – a wallet will be created for you for free.

You can ask any questions and find all the guides in our friendly Discord community: https://discord.gg/UcGGApF

0xUniverse user reviews:

Great visuals, game runs pretty smoothly, good performance!! Awesome design on the GUI! I find the Blockchain ‘gas’ fees a bit much for the transactions, some way over the lowest item prices. I understand they are set to 3 pricing tiers and vary in transaction speed.. but the fees overpower allot of the cheapest items, which is discouraging for starting users who dont have enormous wealth.

Seems very interesting, but badly needs a cheaper start up option, most will simply skip this with such a high starting cost, with no reason to believe it’s going to pay off. I’ll give it a shot the next time I’ve earned 10 in Google play credits

I really enjoy this game and have delved pretty deep quickly, it isn’t for everyone. But if you are interested in how blockchain works, this is a great visual introduction. The money you spend in game if spent properly and patiently can make you money in the long term. (especially when the next update adding war takes launches). The gameplay is simple: own planets that produce resources that you spend on spaceships to discover new planets, but with the recent addition of energy and how it will be used in war has brought new value to the resources beyond planet hunting and a full resource planet is worth about twice as much as an empty one right now. The hook for me is the planet hunting… that hoping to get a rare/valuable planet and then knowing that sitting on it makes it worth more, keeps me playing. I have included some useful new player tips below if anyone is interested. Hope this helps. The game runs fully on blockchain specifically ethereum. This can cause new users some issues, especially with high network congestion. (I personally only send ships for 1.5 GWEI or lower, never go below 1) If you are not familiar with how transaction fees work I recommend to research it, also finding a planet at 1.1 GWEI usually only actually costs 7c. I would not recommend anyone pay the $10/25/50 dollar package, I did it was a bad deal. Instead first purchase ethereum elsewhere and purchase planets being auctioned. Join the discord channel for questions the group is very helpful. Also there are some great guides that I really recommend you read before you dive in with your money. I have 130 planets now and have been “shapeshifting” planet discovery on other accounts. Don’t send out any ships with engine lower than 8 or really 10, it isn’t worth it.

I love this game I’ve spent a couple hundred so far and I would love to spend more but I had to get a new phone broke the old one and lost my account it was obviously connected to one of my emails but i cant seem to find a account reset option for sending to email. Please help !!!!!! Otherwise the layout is beautiful in my opinion gave me goose bumps.

The game its self is pretty fun, though I would be prepared to spend more than the initial 10 bucks. I played the lowest I could(9.99 for .001 eth, 2 commons, and a rare,), and now I’m stuck at a wall, cant afford fuel to send out more ships. All in all, it’s a great blockchain game, possibly the best so far, but go atleast for the $20 package, so you hopefully wont be stuck like me.

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