Acapella Maker – Choose a layout

[App] Acapella Maker – Video Collage

Acapella Maker

Create awesome acapella videos with Acapella Maker :

1.Choose a layout
2.Fill it with your videos
3.Combine and share the acapella video with your friends

Acapella Maker user reviews :

This app would be exactly what I’m looking for, but I’ve never had it successfully time align two videos so they were in sync. Not even once. yes I did the calibration in a quiet room. Other than that, the layout is good, etc. I would definitely pay for the full version if A)the sync function worked, or B) I at least had the option to manually time align the clips.

I tried it on a Motorola Z (Android), and you don’t really get any options other than what they list. You cannot set volume levels. You cannot synch without a reference track playing on earphones Basically, you have to record the lead louder, back off on harmonies and backing vocals, you can only review all of the tracks mixed (audio only) that you’ve recorded to that point (you can’t subtract any from any review), and then you can choose a border. Free version allows you to record up to 1 minute. $3.99 for premium, which allows you to record up to 10 minutes. It’s good for practice, it’s a little shaky for performances.

I love this app. However, my only complaint is that with each new vocal trac you record, the volume of your recording gets lower and lower. So by the time you get the finished product, the volume is very low and hard to hear. Also, you can’t hear all the harmonies you’ve already recorded, while you record new harmonies I real time. It would be very helpful if you could do that, because it would help you to maintain better pitch. Otherwise, the app is amazing!!!

Don’t use the sync option – does not sync properly! If you pre-record a metronome click track and play along with that it works well. On my device if you use templates with a mixture of shapes, it goes out of time. Stick to equal size boxes and it seems to work. Annoying that you can’t save a project half way through, and that you can’t collaborate with other musicians.

When I first downloaded the free version I was kind of satisfied by it. The audio quality is decent. I tried to make several shorts so test it and it worked fine. After purchasing the full version I started to be very disappointed: parts NEVER synchronise and the app crashes every now and then. I feel like I waisted money on it. I sent a mail to the producer complaining about the issues an hopefully they will fix it.

Audio lag. The point of the app it to record layered videos (music or otherwise) right? Well, if that’s the case, then the processing and lag times are something that really need fixing. I’ve recorded some drumming videos for teaching purposes, and despite recording then in time with each track, when played back they’re out of sync. Any idea when they’ll be an update to fix this? Thanks.

Perfectly adequate, once you figure everything out. It’s technically the best app I’ve found of its kind, but technically it’s also not very good. Once you figure out all the solutions to the problems that come up it becomes a perfectly functional app. For example, when it won’t start recording, restart the app; if it won’t replace old takes, delete them in files; choose to listen to one audio track when recording, as the alternative will traumatize you; when you give up, delete the app, etc.

It’s fine over all. But often times when I create, it doesn’t synch. And it’s not convenient that you cannot re-do it. (Or am I not understanding the app well?). This is very frustrating. I have do it all over again from scratch. It’s also not convenient that you cannot save a project in the middle of the process. 07042020 update…. Now it stopped syncing all together. It’s frustrating when you won’t know if it synchs or not until you finalize it, and cannot undo and redo it.

Concept: Great Does it work?: Not really Sound quality is good, but I just spent 3 hours trying to sync up my videos but I never could. Being a musician and trying to play everything a second behind or ahead is impossible. I just go back to playing along with the original recordings and because of that it doesn’t sync up. I even payed the $3 so I can get more voices and longer duration but it doesnt seem worth it since I can’t even get my videos to match. Fix ASAP please.

This app is fantastic if you know how to use it!! To get everything to sync up well, first record an audio track of a metronome and count yourself in. Then when you’re ready to record video, it will ask if you want audio to play along with, click ‘yes’. Have some headphones in so you can play along with the metronome track (you wont hear it in the recording)! The quality is great and I recorded a 4 part chorale with this app. It was beautiful

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