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[App] Drops – Language Learning

Drops  Pick up the essential words of these languages:

Korean,  Japanese, Chinese (both Mandarin Chinese & Cantonese Chinese), Spanish (both Castilian Spanish & Latin-American Spanish), English (both American English & British English), Estonian, Farsi (Persian), French, Finnish, Greek, German, Dutch, Italian, Russian, Polish, Portuguese (both European Portuguese & Brazilian Portuguese), Hebrew, Thai, Arabic, Turkish, Tagalog (Filipino language), Vietnamese, Indonesian, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Hungarian, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Hindi, Maori, Samoan & Esperanto and Hawaiian!

Drops (a Kahoot! company) takes “boring” out of language learning: useful vocabulary is beamed into your memory via gorgeous minimalist illustrations and fast paced micro-games.
The fun part? It only takes 5 minutes a day. In fact that’s all the time you get! Insane? Yes. Works? Absolutely!

Cornerstones of Drops (a Kahoot! company):

Drops is 100% visual: We use pictures to directly connect the meaning to – not to your native language! No middleman. Quicker, better and more fun! :)

5 minute session limit: limiting learning time may sound counterintuitive but it makes Drops incredibly addictive which is not a bad thing when we talk about language learning. The barrier of entry is nonexistent. No excuses: you ALWAYS have 5 minutes!

Effortless practice: We took a good look at why games are so fun and addictive and injected the essence into Drops to create an app that is freakishly immersive but in this case you don’t waste your time playing instead you build a valuable asset: knowledge of a new language.

Rapid pace: We believe in quick pace and typing on your phone’s keyboard is nothing but fast. Say hello to rapid swipes and taps! You’ll need those extra seconds to get the most out of your 5 minutes ;)

Vocabulary focus: No grammar, only curated words with high practical value. Drops focuses on one thing and it does it extremely well. Drops also teaches “alphabet” courses for beginners in Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Hebrew, Arabic, Russian and Hindi.

Forge learning habit: Drops wants to convert you into a language learning addict. No matter how effective your learning tool is, if you don’t use it on a daily basis, it doesn’t really matter. Drops tricks your mind and you’ll be better for it!

We recently introduced dialects too! Now you can choose between Mandarin Chinese & Cantonese Chinese, Castilian Spanish & Latin-American Spanish, American English & British English and between European Portuguese & Brazilian Portuguese. We are extremely proud to our beautiful word pronunciations recorded by voice actresses and actors!

Drops (a Kahoot! company) offer a complete package for free for casual learners: 5 minutes of blazingly fast and epic fun learning per day, more than 2400 words in 99 topics. More dedicated language learners can subscribe for premium features to achieve much faster progress and of course provides unlimited learning time.

Our mission at Drops (a Kahoot! company) is to empower people of the world with the gift of language knowledge via a special tool that uses the universal language we all speak: images.

I’m sure you’ll love Drops (a Kahoot! company) as much as we enjoyed making it. If so, please leave us a review! :)

Have questions? Feel free to contact us at sup[at]languagedrops.com

Drops user reviews :

A great suppliment to learning any new language. Repetitive so new words and concepts are strengthened in your memory. Some of the graphics are a little confusing at first, but then you get over it after 5 times of seeing it. Has a couple of great features, including favorites, so you can mark your trouble words and practice them as much as you like. Another good one is the spelling activities, that helps reinforce how to write/text these new words. Amazing language selection too! Great app!

Great app. Works well for language learners who already understand the basic grammar and fundamental vocabulary and need to learn a large quantity of words. Only critique is that verbs are only in the first person singular. Infinitive should also be included, at least in the apps dictionary function. That would make the app a five star.

It was good, the premium is worth it. However, if you don’t have premium you have to wait about 10 hours until you can practice for 5 minutes again. Obviously they’re doing this to push their premium service on people. Unfortunately, for a lot of us, this just makes us forget that the app is installed or uninstall it when we could learn whenever we want, for how long we want on something like Duolingo. It sucks, because this app is better than Duolingo, but you can’t practice whenever you want.
  • Language Drops
  • Hi, Thanks for giving a try to Drops! We constantly work hard on improving our app and we appreciate your feedback highly! We hope we will be able to change your rating to a 5-star soon with our new features and improvements

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