Dungeon Survivor 3 – Seek the source of the darkness

[Game] Dungeon Survivor 3 – Dark Genesis

Dungeon Survivor 3Dungeon Survivor 3 is a dark fantasy dungeon rogue-like RPG, the official sequel to the classic game Dungeon Survivor 2: Dark Tide, created by the same studio.

This time, you’ll become a Necromancer who is able to summon Valor Spirits to build a powerful team of your own. Let’s explore this fantastic continent shrouded in darkness and embark on an adventure of apocalypse together.
Freedom of Exploration
Travel across the vast Aroya continent, join various instances and explore hundreds of mazes only to seek the source of the darkness.

Your adventure will be full of twists one after another, including evil creatures, treacherous traps, mysterious strangers, everything you can imagine. What you need to do is to collect puzzle pieces and find out the truth.
Aroya, the lost civilization, is waiting for you to save, Necromancer…

The Brave Unite as One
All Valor Spirits are divided into 4 classes, Vanguard, Arcanist, Support and Guard, from various races, such as humans, dragons, dwarves, elves and so on. All of them are souls in need of your guidance, each of whom is a unique warrior with their own special background and talents.
Go to wake them up! Build a powerful Valor Spirit team of your own. They will be a great help in your adventure!

Auto Combat
The battle rule is simple to learn and easy to practice. An expedition of 6 members. You can change the formation anytime according to your needs. A team either specialized in magic spells or might powers. The only limitation is your imagination.

Set your formation wisely and take advantage of each Valor Spirit’s skill to make a good preparation for battles. Playing in a relaxed way is the fun part of the game.

Mysterious Mazes
It’s a dream or reality. No one knows. Each level of the endless Cave in the Arcane Realm is full of unknown random events. Who can leave alive before the light of the golden lamp goes out?

Facebook: www.facebook.com/DungeonSurvivor3EN
Discord: discord.com/invite/TryPqdNdv7
Youtube: www.youtube.com/@DungeonSurvivor3EN
Official Website: game.ltgamesglobal.com/dxcb3SEA?lang=en

Dungeon Survivor 3 user reviews :

i’m a long time fan. keep up the good work Edit: after playing for some time the initial excitement fades. Gameplay is very, and i mean VERY, repetitive. Events are plentiful but don’t add much to the game. Rewards are scarce and there’s no chance to grind. Stones for refinement are so rare that is easier to upgrade heroes than equipment. DS2 was a fantastic game, this sequel is a watered broth

  • Thank you so much for supporting DS3. Your opinion will become an important basis for us to improve our products and services. If you have other great suggestions, you can also contact customer service in the game to submit your suggestions. Happy gaming

Ok, as i played this game a bit more i decided to improve its rating, still, game could use a guild chat (that is not a censored mess) and random generating dungeons. Once you do a dungeon it becomes boring to do it again cause you know exactly what you gonna encounter in it, random generating dungeons with random monsters and loot and traps would make replaying same dungeons much more fun. Btw, i still think that Dungeon Survivor II is more fun, exactly cause it does not have this problem.

  • Dear Necromancer! Thank you for your encouragement and suggestions of our game. We will continue to improve the game and try our best to give you a better game experience! : )Happy gaming

Streamlined and without any option to grind. I really don’t like when you can repeat dungeons but you get nothing from doing so. I had better experince with the past chapter.

  • Thank you so much for supporting DS3. If you have other great suggestions, you can also contact customer service in the game to submit your suggestions. Happy gaming

I’m not very far but just like dungeon survivor 1 and 2 it’s always different. I’m loving discovering the new game and how it differs from its previous incarnations

  • Dear Necromancer! Thank you so much for supporting DS3. We will continue to improve the game and try our best to give you a better game experience! Happy gaming

nice graphics. however, gameplay is very linear. it does not allow play of areas to gain items/exp

  • Thanks for supporting DS3, If you have other great suggestions, you can also contact customer service in the game to submit your suggestions.Happy gaming

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