[Game] HEXDef ONE
HEXDef ONE : This version contains Advertisement!
HEXDef ONE : Tower Defense Style Game designed for Tablets and phones with big screens with a little extra on tactics in form of transforming blocked fields.
This one is especially made for the big screens of newer devices and even with the overall interesting feature of special fields, which you can transform for your benefit – or if you fail to hold the creeps – which are working against you. No Zombies, no plants, no Robo and no medieval castle will distract you from defending the blue field.
This game is a Tower Defense Game, but the phrase “Tower Defense” was recently tradmarked by com2us. So this is not THE Tower Defense Game but a Tower Defense Like game – most merely because you build towers to defend your base. See wikipedia for a detailed description of Tower Defense Genre.
HEXDef ONE user reviews :
Played this game a lot and love it! Even works well on my Galaxy S with the small four inch screen.
Gameplay is great, the adverts are not too obtrusive on my GS2, though occasionally the game tries to give me an advert and then locks. Worst thing is that I can’t get any instructions beyond the first page, if I touch “next” then everything stops and it’s back to the home screen I go. If I knew what the strengths of the towers and weaknesses/armour etc. of the enemies was, I’d be able to play more strategically. As it is, there is one tower that appears to have no effect worth speaking of.
I happen to think this is one of the more fun tower defense games out there as far as gameplay mechanics and replay value goes. Since the most recent update it now takes a long time to load. On my phone it’s only about 10 seconds but on my Xoom it nearly always pops up the “program is not responding. Wait/force close/cancel” dialogue it takes so long.
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