KAYAKKAYAK : Compare flights, hotels and rental cars, track flights, get cheap travel deals.

The #1 Mobile Travel app includes flight and car search, hotel search and booking, Flight tracker and My Trips, so you have your itinerary at your fingertips. And of course, KAYAK for Android is free.

Key Features
– Compare flight, hotel and car rental deals
Book your hotel, right in the app. Just choose KAYAK as your booking option
– Track your flight status
– View and manage your trip itinerary
– Look up baggage fees
– Access airline numbers and airport info

KAYAK user reviews :

This app is perfect for traveling especially with the check off list and it has the notifications you can turn on to notify you if your flight goes up in price.

This is a pretty cool and useful app. Especially if you don’t have access to a computer or just want to make plans on the go.

Nice, easy to use interface. Could use more filter options, like airline alliance. As with the browser version, the search engine doesn’t always find the cheapest fare possible, but better than some I’ve tried. Good for shortlisting airlines for manual searching. Essential app for travel planning.

Have only played around with this once and to look up various combinations of flights (And not hotels etc.) but first impressions are very good. Seems quite adept at finding great deals on flights, and will prove as useful to me for air fares as Avantix Traveller is for looking up rail fares! :-) One thing I must point out though is that it seems quite data-hungry, so users on limited 3G plans might want to proceed with care.


Download KAYAK :


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