MediaFire – Easily upload all your files

[App] MediaFire

MediaFire  MediaFire lets you easily upload all your files – like your photos, videos, music, and documents – and access them from anywhere with your phone, tablet, computer, or the web!

Upload files and folders from other Android apps (including most file managers) by using the Android “Share to” option and selecting “MediaFire”. This will upload the file or folder directly into your MediaFire account.


Automatically backup all your photos and videos.
Upload files from anywhere with “Share to MediaFire”.
12 GB of space – free!
Earn up to 50 GB of free space.
Stream and play music and videos.
View docs, spreadsheets, presentations, video, and listen to audio.
Create and manage folders of files.
Share files on the go via email, SMS, Facebook, Twitter, other Android apps, or copy and paste links.
Quickly search all your files and folders.
Keep all your important files at your fingertips.

Securely store, organize, and share all your media through your Android phone or tablet. MediaFire keeps all your photos, videos, reading material, work docs, spreadsheets, presentations, and even your homework in your pocket, ready for you to view or share anytime. All your files will always be safe in your MediaFire account – no matter what happens to your Android device.

MediaFire user reviews :

Best cloud storage application in my whole life or may be the best app among all others I have used.But the problem is that there is only 10Gb. So this is very bad.I request developer to expand the cloud space up to 30Gb to 50Gb then it would me more better. I always share pics, movies, application package files, and many more to mediafire but problem is that my 5.33Gb is used up and now I can’t upload so much movies in it. So please expand the storage capacity to 30Gb to 50GB without purchase.

I have a professional account and want to have more control than this app allows The app crashes and is very slow to upload. Be nice if it uploaded to multiple folders independently instead of simply camera. I use various social media and would like to back up each to it’s own folder automatically. I only use it because it’s all there is. Overall it’s unreliable and slow and requires a rewrite.

It’s a great file sharing and hosting app, Good for creating backups also but … You know that the UI (User Interface) and GUI (Graphical User Interface) needs to be updated and a bit more easy to use. The UI looks to old Looks like I’m running it on a very old phone.. I feel more comfortable in using web upload But then using/creating the app makes no sense We also can’t pause or cancel upload Many bugs also

Nice service. Couldn’t rate 5 stars because it kept writing “username or password is incorrect”, well eventually they both turned out to be correct only that my ISP is banned by US sanctions, the app could have simply written “error connecting” or something like that instead of wasting nearly half an hour of my time

VERY GREAT APP. I never thought this type of app will be make once for free !!!!!! . Best for file uploading , saving space and sharing via link to youtube video descriptions. Also contains no Ads !

I have used the website a lot, and wanted to try the app. They are very similar, but there is one issue, it is very confusing when I am trying to copy a download link from a file I uploaded. I just wish that was easier….. But overall very nice!

The app can’t be opened in my nexus s. Is it abug, or is the app just not compatible… Hope you could fix this. Thnx

Works just fine. Nicer interface Please … Able to share to user without app would be great. Ex: Share a mp3 that can be streamed by another user without app. Also upload files from any program.

Mediafir has done it big with this Android release. They have taken a solid proverbial swing at Dropbox , Box, & Google Drive & they were swinging for the fences. The app is wonderful & easy to navigate. It has all the expected options for a cloud storage app and offers blazing speeds both up & down. Offering 50GB of data for its free account right out of the gate is also a big win for mediafir. I am truly impressed with mediafire & their foray into the Android app world & I love it. GG Mediafir!

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