Z-Pinball – Train your reflexes to jedi level

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[Game] Z-Pinball

Z-PinballUnique pinball experience with 7 tables guaranteed for FREE!

This is for Pinball enthusiast only; train your reflexes to jedi level with this game.

Total points are remembered from each table now! Future tables may need certain level in each table before you are able unlock new tables. No need to create any account, your phone/tab is your point collector. Unique id for your device is created once you start the game, you can still use different nick names to submit scores.

Major graphics update done recently on BoneYard together with lots of playability improvements.

In Gravity table direction of ball changes in upper part. Find out teleports that lead to upper layer or destroy blocking UFO’s to get there! Rolling planet in middle of the upper screen is your main target!

Find out game modes like Multiball and Dark Mode, where only flippers, ball and some targets light to the table.

Post your scores and try to be in the top 10 weekly list. Also check your current global all time position from highscores. Beating your own best score on table will be indicated!

Touch left and right side of screen for flippers, or just use menu button to activate all flippers. Right side of screen launches ball. Flip the device to bump the table (tilt warning)

Z-Pinball user reviews :

Used to be fun – if buggy, but they’ve gradually kept increasing the gravity or tile of the table and it’s unrealistic, ridiculously difficult, & aspects designed for less gravity are near impossible to activate now. Can only guess they’re trying to increase ad views by forcing shorter games. It’s a shame, really.

  • Please check out lastest update. It is now easier to play. Highscores have been resetted.

Decent enough. Music could be louder imo. Main problem is that the ball shoots around so fast youd need like jedi reflexes to keep up with it sometimes. Better than some of the indie developed pinball games on here thats for sure. Has several tables at least, most only have 2 crappy tables.

  • I’m gona tune the physics a bit soon, it feels too hard for me too

Needs work and some creative sparkle. The physics are pretty good but the table is boring and the gap between the flippers is too wide. You can have pinball skills but still lose quickly as the ball just b-lines for the gap every time.

This is the best pinball i have played for a long time..i really enjoy it and can spend hours on it..thanks!!

  • thanks!

Stop playing pinball in the different tables that you guys order at for us to play on the only thing I don’t like is that we don’t get enough balls to play or when it shoots down the middle it takes us out all the time that’s not fair

  • Thanks for the feedback!

Yess! You have to be a pinball enthusiastic to appreciate this one.Rare, hardly known of tables playfully rendered.Yay!Thanks!

  • Thanks!

Very fast and twitchy. All the skins feel the same.

Absolutely Amazing game theme, and play…, VERY WELCOME .

  • Thanks

Well ive not played dis game yet but it looks like an awsome game

Still has not fixed the extremely long-standing bug whereby the navigation controls block the view of the flippers. Just backspace out of the prompt to enter a name for the high score to see what I mean – the next game will leave Android’s navigation controls on screen and block your view of the flippers and drain area. It’s been there from the beginning and has been complained about by others, but developer refuses to fix it – I suspect it’s to punish those who don’t want to submit their score to the high score table and see ads in the process. I just don’t want to waste time and data – particularly when I’ve got a bad score anyway.

  • Thanks for the feedback. It took a while indeed to get into this. I saw this same issue where nav controls block view on Huawei phone and hopefully tackled it to 1.70 release! Please let me know if it works, thanks.

I really like it. Cool tables, cool graphics. Flippers are pretty quick. Not slow or sluggish. Don’t like how the balls come out on sum tables but i like it.

  • Thanks for the review.

Awesome keep making more try on all Holliday’s you have Christmas and Halloween try Easter and 4 of July turkey day thanks giving and so on just came back to play and the flippers were weak on two of the games I played deep blue and Halloween hope to get it fix and check all of them want to get high score all good but deep blue has flaws bugs love it please fix

  • Thanks! We’ll definitely check out deep blue issues. There is slight physics tuning in latest version, based on experience with real hardware flipper machine, for me it works better. Please feel free to send some details on issues to kari.rasanen[at]zmengames.com and we’ll check them out.

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