Bandcamp – Explore a vast catalog of music

[App] Bandcamp

BandcampBandcamp is an online record store and music community where passionate fans connect with and directly support the artists they love.

The Bandcamp app lets you explore a vast catalog of music by artists from every corner of the globe, allows you to directly support the artists you love by buying their music and merch, and lets you instantly listen to the music you’ve purchased, whether you’re online or offline.

Bandcamp user reviews :

Great app for a great service! I’m using it almost daily.. but one thing bothers me… FEATURE REQUEST: Can we have a “playlist capability” in the app? I would like to be able to queue 2-3 albums and listen to them. Right now, when an album I listen to finishes, I have to get my phone out of the pocket, open the app and start playing a new album.

Love the website. The app however has terrible search indexing. Moreover, once on the page of a label there’s no way of vewing the whole discography. Or even if there is, I can’t seem to find it. I use my phone to wishlist lots of stuff for later purchasing but the search is such a pain, even when inserting the catalogue ID after which albums are listed.

I love Bandcamp, but this app kinda sucks. It lets me make playlists, but it tends to lose them and the experience is kinda mid at best anyway as far as building and arranging them. But the most annoying thing is how *music I download isn’t visible to my other players.* I can’t pick where things download to and I can’t even FIND where it all lives in my filesystem. Then the FAQ suggests transferring from PC?! UGH! I’ll never stop supporting the service and what it does for musicians but this…

Not a fan of this once-beloved app. Losing the ability to shuffle the entire collection is tragic, unnecessary, and kills this experience for me. I love Bandcamp. I use it for my bands and label. It’s the best music platform out there. But this little hiccup is a total drag. Fix this, please!!! I don’t have time to go through my ENTIRE collection just so I can queue music. I miss being able to press the shuffle button 2x, and the whole day is ready to go. Fix this… It just gets worse and worse

Great service, terrible UI. App stops playback after hitting play, constantly resets position to the top of the feed when switching between apps (problematic when you’ve purchased thousands of albums/songs). No playback history or attempts to have something convenient like multiple playlists. Very difficult to scan on the playback bar.

The best music platform but the app sucks in every way – Music stops playing randomly while time continues to increment – NO DARK MODE! How is this acceptable in 2022? – Two different music player UIs – Just generally unintuituve… for example: To view an account you can’t just tap on the name, you have to tap “more releases” then “view full discography”

Bandcamp is vital to my music; it is a wonderful service. I will never stream music via Spotify, Apple, Amazon, etc. One simple functionality I’d like to see return is maintaining your play queue when you close & reopen the app; recently, the queue now clears upon closing and that is very annoying.

Service is unparalleled but the app experience could be a little bit better. I would like to be able to just download all of my music with one click instead of having to go album by album. I would also like to have it organized by artist not album. Otherwise it’s awesome

Great for discovering new tunes Really wish there was a dark mode so itd be easier on the eyes at night They added a shuffle all feature to your collection that’s really cool. But they removed the fans you should follow section which makes following people feel more awkward. One day randomly all my custom genres were gone on the app but luckily not on the site. awesome that there’s no advertisements. App badly needs to show the buy discography option though, its much safer to purchase on browser

Good service but the app has the worst navigation of almost anything I’ve seen. Just try something as simple as searching for an artist and trying to view their back catalogue… Also, messages in the that link to releases open in a web browser. Update: the navigation just gets worse and worse.

This app is great! I turned away from Amazon Music and their incessant need for me to subscribe and stream. I’d rather buy and download the songs, I live in a rural area with terrible service…Bandcamp was my answer. I only buy there now.

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