heylogin – Use your phone for everyday logins

[App] heylogin

heyloginWith heylogin you never have to worry about forgetting credentials or resetting passwords ever again! heylogin is a next-generation login experience, going one step further in comparison to traditional password managers.

Use your phone for everyday logins. Fingerprint or PIN – you have full control.
No username. No password. Blazing fast.
AutoFill on Android
All your logins. Even the one you forgot about years ago.
Wear OS support – unlock from your wrist.
Adios password – hey login

heylogin uses the following permissions:
Camera access: Used interactively, to connect other devices via QR-code.
Fingerprint: To securely and conveniently authenticate the user for Swipe to Login.
List apps on device: Used to associate logins with installed Apps, and . This data is end-to-end encrypted just like your logins, and never leaves your device unprotected.

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heylogin user reviews :

It’s functional, mostly. I have one particular password that keeps reverting back to the same password in the system. I have to reset that password every time I want to log in. The backup system is a long login that you have to keep available. That backup code only allows you to install the app on a new device. So, if you lose your phone (which is your login device), then until you replace your phone there is no way to log into sites on your computer. We’ve lost productivity because of this.

  • Hey Brennan, thank’s for the review. The backup code is only an emergency plan, but you are right, currently you are locked out until you get a new phone. This is the tradeoff for no password login. We’re working on Yubikey support at the moment, which will let you log in to heylogin even after you lost your mobile device. Marvin, Community Manager

Hey it works! My suggestions are: dark mode toggle for the website and addon. And: individual settings for device timeout. For example, at school I want it, so the logout timeout is not 12 hours, I want it to be 1 hour for security. (In case I forget to log out) Additionally, there could be a way to add decives temporarily (I login ans it removes the device after logout). Lastly, an (optional) additional layer of security, a PIN (4-8 digits) and biometric auth, even when the device is unlocked.

  • Thank you for your feedback! A few of the security features you requested, such as the adjustable logout timeout, are also already planned for the near future. If you have more Feedback, feel free to write me at play[at]heylogin.com. Marvin Jahnke, heylogin Community Manager

Awesome password manager without the need of a master password! What I miss is 2 things: favicons or app icons when searching through the stored logins and when adding a TOTP to a saved login it would be awesome if you could add it by scanning the QR code with the heylogin app, too. (Sometimes the browser based QR code recognition doesn’t work).

  • Hey Leon, thanks for your review and feedback! Regarding favicons, we recently added the option to add icons or emojis to your teams. That’s business only for now, but will surely be included in our family plan coming later this year. Regarding QR code recognition, we are looking into that while optimizing our overlay. Marvin, Community Manager

Been really robust, used across many devices and for a good 1yr+ now it’s been really solid and a nice efficient tool

  • Hey Adam, thanks for the review! Glad you like heylogin so much :D Have you had the chance to try out our newest tool, the quick access? Check our blog or help center for an explanation. We are also working on more improvements, like a login history that’s soon to be released. I hope you like our newest additions as well. Marvin, Community Manager

I love it. So simple and it just works. Both for myself and (yes…) my parents. Only downsides: (1) As far as I can tell your password entry is gone, if you accidentally delete it — there seems to be no trash to recover it from. (((2) You cannot export passwords to other password managers just yet, so you’ll be locked in unless you know how to convert JSON exports.)) // EDIT: I suppose (2) is not actually an issue. Thx for the info, Marvin.

  • Thanks for your review. You can export your data from heylogin by clicking on your account name in the bottom left of the web app and then selecting “Settings”. The exported file is in CSV format and works with most password managers. More features to improve usability are in the pipeline. Marvin Jahnke, heylogin Community Manager

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