Ace Tales

Ace Tales Ace Tales : Embark on an epic Atlantic adventure with hero dog Ace and Doc O’Hare. This game will surprise you with stunning graphics, great game play and action moments. As a one button social game, this game is easy to play but hard …

Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines Traveling with Southwest Airlines is now even more convenient with our new Android app. We’ve kept the same convenient features but totally redesigned the experience. So, whether you’re on the go traveling to that next big meeting or just on the couch daydreaming about …

Geometry Dash

Geometry Dash   Geometry Dash : Jump and fly your way through danger in this rythm-based action platformer! Frustratingly wonderful – Kotaku Geometry Dash provides all of the challenge expected from an “impossible” game while also making it more accessible to newcomers. 148Apps Geometry Dash is …

Parallels Access

Parallels Access Parallels Access is the fastest, simplest, and most reliable way to remotely access all your Windows and Mac applications and files from your Android device. From accessing a single file that you forgot on your home computer to editing a complex document, Parallels Access …

Unripe Tomato

Unripe Tomato Unripe Tomato : Make it ripe! Really entertaining …  – AndroidZoom Get Tomato safely to the sun to make it ripe. But beware, there are obstacles along the way that will make your journey difficult. Use different pods to your advantage and collect all …


FiiNote   FiiNote is the most convenient note app for android. It is designed for both Phone and Tablet. Feature list: 1, Unique hybrid model for combined handwriting and keyboard. 2, Text,paint,voice,photo,video…Note everything. 3, Calender,alarm,todo…Getting things done. 4, Infinite canvas, text box, DIY templates, real pen …

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