Bookmate – Explore must read bestsellers

[App] Bookmate – books & audiobooks

BookmateBookmate is a digital library full of good reads selected for you based on your individual preferences. Read books on your phone or tablet anytime you want.

Stacks of ebooks and audiobooks in 14 languages
Get recommendations from friends, experts & editors
Keep your ebooks, audiobooks, quotes & notes with you

Discover new genres, explore must read bestsellers, listen to the audiobook player, and discuss books with other app users.

Get access to a huge collection of ebooks and audiobooks — read comics, new fiction, classics, romance, books for kids, sci-fi, business books and more with a Bookmate subscription. Even our free account offers 50,000 titles! Bookmate is your personal book tracker that helps you to monitor how often you read.

Bookmate makes recommendations based on your preferences. The more you read or listen, the more accurate our recommendations!

All your books, quotes, and notes get saved in Bookmate. Read or listen anywhere. Bookmate supports fb2 and epub formats, upload your own e-books. Enjoy your pocket book when travelling or during the commute.

With Bookmate you can keep up with what your friends are reading and listening to, and find new friends with similar interests. Share your books, quotes, impressions, and get likes. Reading is more fun when shared with friends!

For the best experience you can adjust the brightness and change the font or the background screen colour of the ereader. Audiobook listeners can set a timer and change the speed to suit. Start and stop as needed — begin on one device and pick up where you left off on another.

Enjoy your digital bookshelf with a great selection of genres, authors and languages. Get the subscription and stay loyal! Books of all kinds are available in one click.

Got any questions? Contact us at android-help[at]

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Bookmate user reviews :

I love the app a lot!! but please please make an option of dark mode of the interface (now there’s only night mode for the reader, the rest of the app is very white and bright. I can’t use it at night)

Loved it and used it for years as my primary e-book reader, but the last few months it doesn’t save the progress and brings me back to page 1 or to wherever it decided to save the progress (always much behind where I actually am).

I am totally not satisfied. Everytime when I close the book and reopen later, he opens 20 or 30 pages earlier and then I have to search where I was. If this goes further, I don’t prolong the subscription when it expires

Most of the time the app is good. Few bugs though. Have to close app and reload to turn the page forward sometimes, then the app would randomly try to make me buy another subscription to continue reading.

Hi, I have problem. After updating applications I can’t login via Yettel on my tablet, since I have premium subscription for three devices.

Searching for content is almost impossible! Search optimisation is bad, and adding to that the app lets you add books from other sources, probably good for some, however they then get added to the common library for everyone even though you can’t listen/read them! As far as I can tell you can’t disable this, so almost everything that shows up in searches aren’t actually available, and you can’t tell without clicking it and checking. On the highlighted top 10, 7 of 10 isn’t actually available!

It would be very nice to customize the new flipping pages animation and have the ability to turn it off in options since it makes reading a book laggy and uncomfortable. This shouldn’t be an issue, both litres and free reading apps have no problem with this. Canceled my subscription today, will restore it later and change the rating if the issue is resolved. UPD: Issue resolved with the latest update. Thank you!

  • Hello! We really appreciate your feedback. We have added a switch for turning the animation off into the next update, please look forward to it!

Hi, I like your application, but there is a bug with saving the last read page for big books. Please fix it, it is an extremely annoying thing.

Update: Still the best! Even if none of the improvements I’ve hoped for have come. In scrolling mode, I wish there was a way to easily see what chapter I am in, such as highlighting the current chapter in the TOC. Love the scrolling mode, best I’ve seen. Needs a dictionary and an option to disable gesture brightness. I’m constantly adjusting brightness by accident while I scroll.

  • Thank you for the feedback! We’ll keep your comments in mind.

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