You can use Doc Sign App to create / add digital Signature, Page Scan & share, Add Text, add e-Signatures to Pdf , Images and to other document types.
Easily Add, Create e-Signatures to Pdf, Doc, Xls, Ppt & Images using Pdf Expert App .
Your privacy, our first concern, we don’t use any of the cloud or server storage.
No SignUp/registration to use this app
Easily Add, Create e-Signatures to Pdf, Doc, Xls, Ppt & Images.
Add Text, Signature to documents
Scan your document with the auto-crop feature.
Page edges are detected automatically.
Set page sizes for PDF (Letter, Legal, A4, and more)
Share PDF/JPEG files.
Print and fax the scanned doc directly from the app
OCR Scan, Add custom Text & Add Signature to IMAGES.
Auto Crop Corner Detection for Camera or Gallery Images.
Generate High, Medium or Low-resolution Images.
Generate A3, A4, A5, Letter, PostCard, Business PDF format to share with others.
Use Passcode to enhance App data Security.
Generate & Share Password Protected PDF.
Share Images in ZIP format.
Choose Image Resolution from a set of options.
Doc Sign user reviews :
Great app where you can add text, sign and convert PDF to word docs to edit. Just what I needed. Thanks very much. You get a up from me.
A-One Scanner Developer
Thank you for downloading our app! We will keep working on it!
Almost fit my needs. Was so excited to see you could change ink color. But I have a long signature and had to make the size small enough to fit the signature block which pixelated the signature to include blurriness and white spots so it is no longer legible. Update: I changed the pen type and got a better result. Thanks!
A-One Scanner Developer
Thank you for your encouraging words.
Great app, easy to use just sign with ease.
A-One Scanner Developer
Glad you like it!
Very very useful app for signature in different colours.
A-One Scanner Developer
Thank you for your encouraging words.
No dark mode in the settings, it’s alot of moving parts to use this app.
A-One Scanner Developer
Thanks for your feedback! We deeply respect your advice, and we will try to combine your feedback with our R&D, in order to provide better products.
I love this app, meets my needs.
A-One Scanner Developer
Thanks for taking out time to rate us. It really helps us to keep going and delivering the best
Other than my own impatience to go thru a tutorial and my data/WiFi being slow, this app is exactly what I was looking for. Simple, easily adjustable to any document, PDF, file, etc. I have on my phone that needs to be earmarked or signed. I was able to sign downloaded documents from my email without issues and send them back via the share tab within a few minutes. When you needed things signed yesterday and have very little memory on your phone, you’ll regret not having this app.
A-One Scanner Developer
Thanks Michelle for your valuable feedback.
Ah tried 5 different apps today, some weren’t able to upload such a big file (40 pages to sign). Some able to upload but not save and neither download once signed. Finally found this app- which successful!! Only thing I didn’t I understand is how the option to flip the signature to different angles is relevant plus it was so sensitive and keep flipping .
A-One Scanner Developer
Thank you for downloading our app. We would love to help you with this issue. Please write to us at a1digitalmediatechnology[at] so that we can help you.
Easiest PDF editor i have used & there have been many! I was a bit confused @ 1st til i figured how to add all edits & save only once instead of save one edit at a time & have to keep going back to add next edit. Now that i hav used it several times i get edit done & sign & email in no time & all from one app! I get more from this than i do paid CamScan which makes u install InNote trash! Cancel CamScan & go pay here to see what prem has to offer/as of now free has gave me all i need & more!
A-One Scanner Developer
Thank you for your encouraging words.
if you have to fill one word ok. otherwise super pissed off. you cant just click and fill. you fill a floating box then have to drag it and manually size it to the line while its flipping in rev erse, turning up side down and side ways and every which way. if you zoomin to make it easyer to size. you cant zoom back out withou pushing save. push save then the entire rest of the document is cropt out…zoom out before hitting save,? and the word you typed disapeared. great ap bro
A-One Scanner Developer
Thanks for your feedback! We deeply respect your advice, and we will try to combine your feedback with our R&D, in order to provide better products.
Excellent App. I recommend it for all users. Easy to use and content-filled. It works 100% on my phone- perfectly. I hope it does on your mobile device. I give the developer unreserved 5 star.
A-One Scanner Developer
Thanks for taking out time to rate us. It really helps us to keep going and delivering the best
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