Pet Candy Puzzle – Explore a variety of fun levels and challenges

[Game] Pet Candy Puzzle

Pet Candy PuzzlePet Candy Puzzle is a cute match 3 game!

Take a fun match 3 puzzle adventure with adorable pets by your side! In this game, you’ll meet charming pet companions who will accompany you in matching and clearing blocks, challenging levels together!

Each pet has unique skills and special abilities. Unlock their potential by clearing blocks and unleash powerful combos and special effects! Collaborate with your pet pals to create stunning chain reactions, earn high scores, and reap rewards!

Game Feature

1.Explore a variety of fun levels and challenges. From beautiful gardens to mysterious forests, each scene is filled with fun and surprises. Unlock new levels and test your skills and strategies!
2.Collect cute pet and badges through the game levels.
3.Show off your accomplishments, compete with friends, and vie for the top rankings!
4.Experience endless fun with diverse game modes. From classic campaign mode to timed challenges, each mode brings unique challenges and thrills.
5.Collect power-ups and enhance your abilities to become stronger in the game. Unlock treasure chests for mysterious rewards that elevate your gameplay!

Join our pet match puzzle game now and enjoy endless fun and challenges with cute pet companions! Clear blocks, unlock skills, break records, and become the champion of puzzle match game!

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Pet Candy Puzzle user reviews :

Nice enough game, same mechanics as most match 3 games. Nothing new. Unfortunately forced ads makes experience not great, uninstalling

Best game ever since best fiends and soda crush soga what I like about this game is that it lets me choose where I want to move next and it doesn’t play itself that’s a winner right there

Very exciting and easy to understand! FUN!

This is really a fun and relaxing game. People I would download this game if you want to relax your mind.

Having fun on this game. No Money needed. I’m 70 year’s young lol

It’s a quite fun game that’s inviting to young and old.

Fantastic Game. Having so much fun.

Just started playing, but fun so far.

I enjoy to play.adds good 30secon reward

Good game fun and just good for anyone

Absolutely love this game

Just love this game

That’s so much fun and awesome

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