[App] Brilliant
Brilliant.org is an intellectual community where you can solve and discuss thousands of challenging problems in math, science, physics, computer science, and engineering.
Our problems are created by people all over the world, including olympiad champions and university professors. Learn from others how to solve complex and beautiful mathematics problems by engaging in a vibrant community of math and science enthusiasts.
Brilliant Key Features:
Browse, solve, and create beautiful and challenging math and science problems.
Thousands of problems in topics such as Algebra, Calculus, Physics, and Computer Science written by Olympiad champions, university professors, and more.
Participate in and learn from a supportive community of math and science enthusiasts. Find and follow like-minded people.
Brilliant requires Android version 4.1+.
Brilliant user reviews :
Brilliant The app is work really fast, I think they will make it better more and more , finally I can take brilliant with me everywhere :)& it would be amzing if we can save problems at offline section
Finally! I’ve wait for the app and here it comes! Great web btw.
Wait is finally over! Have been looking for this app or a similar one on app store for very long, but both seemed impossible. Since, Brilliant is here, it’s time for some brilliance.
Excellent app for the excellent minds!!
Not working fine Always show You are offline and try to refresh Plss fix this After it works fine, i will give it full stars..!!
Finally A reason to turn my phone on.
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