Cheapflights – Find the cheapest flights to your next travel

[App] Cheapflights


The Cheapflights app helps you search, compare and book cheap flights from hundreds of airlines and travel agents globally.

We’re a team of passionate, savvy explorers here to make it easy for you to find the cheapest flights to your next travel destination.

With Cheapflights you can:

Compare cheap flights from hundreds of airlines and travel agents worldwide
See the cheapest days to fly with our Price Calendar and Chart Views
Use Smart Value to find the best flights by balancing price and flight duration
Save and compare flights from your search results and book later
Log in and save your flight preferences for a faster, more personal experience across all your devices.

Millions of people find cheap tickets with us every year. Want to be one of them? Whether you have your eye on last minute flights, domestic flights, international flights, cheap airline tickets and low-cost airfare, the cheapest flights and deals are just a download away.

Our flight comparison service is simple and completely free to use. All you need to do is search, filter and book your flights. We will then send you directly to the airline or travel agent to book your plane tickets without any hidden fees.

Search and compare cheap flights to your destination for free
Find the cheapest days to fly with our interactive Price Calendar and Chart View
Find just what you’re looking for by searching for flights by city or airport

See just the flights that fit your price range, airport, airlines, number of stops, take-off and landing times
Filter results by the cheapest flight, the quickest flight or a happy balance between the two
Save flights from your search results to compare and book later
Log in to apply your flight search criteria across all your devices for a seamless experience

Take a look at checked baggage and seat reservation fees so you’re always prepared before booking
Stay up-to-date on maximum carry-on or hand-luggage sizes and weights to avoid extra baggage costs
See a snapshot of your selected flight dates and times so you can review before booking
When you’ve found your perfect flight tickets, we will send you directly to the airline or travel agent to book

So, let’s get started. Go ahead and download the Cheapflights app now and search for flights to any city or airport, anywhere in the world.

And, if you’re having any issues with our app, please let us know so we can make things right. You can get in touch with us at: flight.apps[at]

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Cheapflights user reviews :

I love booking with this app. It gives a wide range of options to choose my airliner of choice. They always have a link that allows you book directly through the airliner website. You simplified my hustles surely

This is a very good app and after running this app, I came to know about many flights and also came to know about traveling. I want to use this app always, the one who made bf is a very nice person.

This app is very helpful for planning flights for any type of trips as well as very easy to understand and easy to use for everybody. Good app to recommended to all

Affordable flights with best routes compared to all apps including other Kayak apps. Simple layout and easy to use.

Good app for anyone who is planning for a trip.Very easy to use too .All bookings are convenient and in cheap rates..!!

Very user-friendly. Navigation easy and simple. Layout of info is easy to read.

3 major travel issues solve in one app, that’s convenience. They have made travelling less stressful

I have gotten some really good deals with this app before. If you are a frugal person, I suggest having a good idea of when and where you want to go before searching. Airline prices are extremely volatile and you can find an excellent deal, but by the time you click on it, it’s gone and the price might double in that minute or so that passed, which I find infuriating. Good app, I have been experiencing lots of errors though. I click on view deal and the page won’t load or it will say error.

cheap flights is very helpful when planning trips. Even if your original flight itinerary changes, they do everything they can to make sure you arrive to your destination in a timely whether it’s for a vacation or business trip. Lynette A. from VIP support was very friendly and helpful when I needed to make. Easy to use, nice to look at, good customer service! I was worried other reviewers seemed like they had issues but they’ve been great with me!

This app is crazy most flights are three thousand dollars or more when I look on Expedia thier 600 to a thousand for the same month

Superb application to find cheaper flights with all details.

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